If the Lycra fits

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If I'm honest I've been quiet. This whole pandemic has rattled me.

But it turns out. I was temporarily immune. You see. Well I guess you all deserve an explanation. I'm not going to give my name.

Cause names have power. If you now someone's name, then you have power over them.

So call me The Stranger. That's what you've all been calling me right? Well I like it.

I have powers. Again I'm not telling you were they originate. Cause once again, knowledge is power.

But well, this power, it's in me. My blood. My eyes. My cum. My spit. Everything.

Even my skin.

I can control any man I want. Woman, well they take more effort. I can though. If I need to.

And well. Sometimes my powers.... well they have a mind of there own.

Anthony. Edward.

Those were their names. Before me. Before I woke them up.

You see I was just working out. Not for any reason. I was bored.

My boys were all at home. Or work. So I had some me time.

But I got sweaty. And smelly.

And well. They were in the room. And well they got horny. And hard. Started to touch each other up.

They were moaning. Then saw me. They cummed instantly.

They were mine. And I didn't even know about it.

I smiled at them. Kissed them and took them home. After some time. We were put into lockdown.

My boys. Well they weren't paying attention. They left the house. I panicked. I thought we were all done for.

But well. Our special hormones protected us. Made us immune. For a short time that is. I doubt we will last much longer.

So we are staying home. Safe. After all this virus is smart. Already one of my boys has a coughs. He's in his room. Safe. Seems I'll be at home to now.

So everyone stay at home. Be safe. Don't be reckless or stupid. And hey, feeling bored just lay back, and listen to me 😉.

((I really hope everyone is staying safe at home. And I hope you are all ok. I also give praise to those risking their lives to try and stop this pandemic. Stay at home. And stay safe guys.))

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