Target Six

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Target six is called Rick Zelduman.

The Stranger sits down with the ump. "Ok... so we all have an equal amount of wins. Now what? We flip a coin?"

Percy looks at him. "We do?" He nods and points at the door. Alex walked in smiling, as he was followed by Rick. He looked like a love sick puppy. His hard on not even attempting to hide itself, as he probed at his tight jeans.

Percy frowns. "When did you find him? I couldn't even find his instagram."

Alec smirks. "He doesn't have one....."

The Stranger smirks. "You knew him.... didn't you?"

Alec pushes Rick onto the sofa, and pulls off his jeans. "Possible." Percy gives him a look. "Fine. I did. Well do. He was my old flat mate before I decided to move back home with the parents. I haven't talked to him in.... well the last time I saw him was two days before, YOU." He pointed at The Stranger, "took my brother."

Who smirks, "that was fun.... owww the memories." He then looks at Percy. "Surely this makes his win redundant? He knew the man?

Percy shakes his head. "Afraid not. I never made it so anyone we know would be excluded. That would have been a bit tricky. So.... I guess we are gonna have to have a tie breaker."

Rick was now in his boxers, sprawled out on the sofa, Alex pushing his shirt up to show his treasure trail, and the start of his perfect abs. Alex smirks "damn Rick.... you've been working out." He kisses across his v-line, causing Rick to shiver and moan.

The Stranger rolls his eyes. "Do you mind? We are trying to sort out who wins, can you stop fulfilling your obvious teenage fantasies, and pay some much needed attention."

Alec sighs and stops worshiping his former roommates body. "I'm not a teenager! I'm 22!"

The Stranger rolls his eyes. "I found you when you were a teenager, so to me you still are." Alex gives him the middle finger, and sits back up, Rick sees this as an invitation, and begins to suck the clothed cock of his new lover. Percy smirks, while the Stranger glares.

Alex just shrugs. "Hey. What can I say. I'm irresistible. Now the plan? What did you call it... tie-breaker?"

Percy nods. "It's simple really. We just use the same algorithm that chose the six target, but I change the settings. I make it so it chooses a man with almost no internet for print. Hardly any relatives. And absolutely no social life. The hardest man to track down. Even the government most likely don't even know he exists."

The Stranger smirks. "I do like a challenge. Ok I'm in. Boy?"

Rick had now fished Alex's raging boner from it's confines, and was ravishingly sucking it. Alex was leaning back moaning. "Hmmmm god! If I knew you were this good I'd have fucked around with you sooner." Percy coughs and Alex looks up. "Huh? Owww yeah sounds cool."

He nods, and grabs his laptop as he puts in the new criteria, and activates it. "Ok then. Now for the final round. The man who will decide the winner. Gentlemen I give you...."

Alec pushes Rick off, who whimpers, and he and the Stranger both walk over to see the name.


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