Target five

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Target Five is called William Rusterveen.

He sat in the chair, shirtless removed and flung to the floor. The tattoo artist moved closer, inspecting the Dragon Design. "You sure kid?"

William nods. "Yep."

The artist nods as she pulls her ink closer. "Well then. Your gonna need to loose these as well." She points at his jeans.

William nods. "Can't I just Pull them down a bit?"

She smirks. "Awww your nervous? That's adorable. And no. Your gonna have to take them off. For one they are just gonna get in the way, and you don't want me to mess up do you?"

He sighs defeated, and stands up. Pulling the jeans off and then folding them up neatly into a pile.

He then, after blushing and adjusting his crotch, sits back down. Fidgeting then finally settling.

He coughs, and smiles weakly. "Ok. I'm ready...."

She chuckles as she picks up her needle. "Your so cute. Ok. This is gonna hurt."

He tensed up every time the needle came close to his skin. Every time he felt the vibrations on his skin.

It didn't really hurt that much. It was more like pins and needles to him.

But then again his pain tolerance was pretty high.

Eventually he closed his eyes, and drifted off into a half sleep. Not deep enough to make him fully unconscious. But enough for him to to register the Tattoo artist from stopping, or the sound of the store door bell ringing.

He didn't hear the sound of laughing. Or the sound of a teenage boys voice. Talking softly.

But he did feel the soft warm breathe on his neck.

He then felt the hand on his crotch. As lips enveloped his. At first he was confused, but then he sank into the kiss. Returning it. Deepening it.

Till he opened his eyes and smiled. Smiles at his new friend. Who he trusted completely.

"Now William. Can I call you will?"

He nods.

"I'm Alex. And I need you to come with me so I win a game. That cool?"

"Anything! I'll do anything for you!"

Alex smirks. "Owww I know. Lady. Please finish this mans tattoo. But I have some alterations...."

William smiled as he walked out the shop naked, arms linked with his new found friend.

His dragon tattoo sprawled across his lower half. The name Alex sketched out above his hardened cock.

Alec smirks at it. "Perfect art..... now time to win."

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