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Nineteen Years Later...

A house stood alone on acres of land, where lakes of blue and forests of dark green surrounded the structure like something from a painting. The roof was a shade of dark brown that melted in to the brick exterior and made the white shutters and door stand out like a beacon in the dark. Inside the cottage a young boy, who looked much like his father, but had his mother's eyes flipped through a muggle comic book, however his focus wasn't on the pages but on the excitement he felt knowing his friends were on their way to his home.
"Mummy! I think they just got here!" Scorpius yelled to his mother who had just left the balcony where she placed more flowed alongside the railings.
"What is it?" Y/n called out as she glided down the staircase that was covered in carpets of gold and green.
"Mum, they're here!" The boy dropped his comic book and pulled back the curtains to peak out the window, eyeing down the five silhouettes that began to walk toward the house. Y/n smiled and knelt down to her son, placing a kiss on his forehead and giving his shoulder a soft squeeze.
"I'll go get your father." She cooed before walking in to the office down the hall, passing memorabilia of
past Quidditch World Cup games, family photos, and other mementos that they put up in house to be seen and never torn down.

"Draco, honey they're here." She spoke and pulled him from his desk where various enchanted objects floated and bobbed, his favorite was the charmed Quidditch figure that flew in circles on his desk. Draco's face matured as time passed, but instead of growing to look more stiff and cold, aging made him look more warm and welcoming.
"How can I face him, Y/n?" Draco whispered and gazed out his office window with a distressed look upon his face. Y/n brushed the stray hairs out of his face and placed her hand against his warm cheek.
"That was nineteen years ago Draco, you've changed, they've changed." She reassured him, but his distress remained despite her encouraging words.
"Draco come here," she smiled and tugged him toward the square mirror in the corner of the room.

On the edge of the mirror, a photograph of two teenagers was taped to the wooden frame. They moved slightly in the photo, with large smiles across their young faces with their Slytherin Quidditch uniforms on and brooms in hand, the blonde boy's cheeks flushing ever so slightly as the girl in the photograph kissed his cheek repeatedly.
"Look at those kids, and look at us now." Y/n chuckled and changed Draco's gaze from the enchanted photograph, to the mirror where their reflections stared back at them. Draco now stared at his wife's reflection in the mirror, even if she had aged slightly her eyes were still the most beautiful sight he had ever seen, and her smile that shown back in the mirror could have been proof that he was staring in to the mirror or Erised.
"Draco we aren't those children anymore, we've grown to be our own people, I mean look at our beautiful boy," She gestured down the hall to where Scorpius, the spitting image of his father, stood peering out the window. "And we're raising him the right way, the good way, without any prejudice or hatred."
Draco smiled as he stared at his son who he loved just as much as his wife, who stood unwaveringly next to him. His life had changed for the better the day she came in to his life, and just when he thought it couldn't become anymore joyous, Scorpius came along.

"You're right, I'm not my father, and I will not let what happened in the past effect me now." Draco spoke softly and reached for her hand, lifting it to her lips and giving it a soft kiss.
"Now come on! They're probably at the door waiting for us you tosser!" She giggled and pulled her hand down from his lips and guided him out of the office to the large front door, where their cat named "Ferret" had joined Scorpius waiting for their guests to enter.

"Oh come in!" Y/n cheered as she opened the door to let her guests in to her home.
"Albus!" Scorpius cried out and ran to his friend, the two boys falling to the ground with a thud. Ginny took no time to enter the cottage, while Harry took a moment or two to take it all in before stepping indoors, this place looked far different from Malfoy Manor.
"Ah, Y/n how are you?" Ginny grinned shutting the front door behind her.
"I'm well! Look at your children, they look just like their parents hm?" Ginny and Y/n laughed as they eyed their children through windows of the house, but after a few moments shifted their gaze to their husbands who stood awkwardly in front of each other. Ginny went to speak up, hoping to make the first step in making amends for Harry, but Ferret let out a loud meow causing Harry to take a step back.
"You're joking Malfoy, you really got a cat?" Harry laughed hysterically watching as the all white cat rubbed against his shin. "Not to bring up bad times, but it actually looks a bit like that Ferret Moody shoved down your trou—" Harry paused and looked at Draco's horrified expression, and then turned to Y/n who could barely hold in her laughter.
"Merlins beard is this things name 'Ferret'?"
Y/n nodded her head with a sense of pride at her clever idea to name the cat such, and Ginny gave her a nod to show her admiration of Y/n's mind.
"Well Harry, now that you've met my cat you mine as well make yourself at home." Draco smiled with his cheeks a bit pink from the embarrassing flashback.
"Harry? Well I could get use to being called Harry by you... Thanks, Draco." Harry smiled and followed Draco to their living room as if he was taking a step in to a new life.

Holidays passed, and so did the years, and slowly but surely it wasn't just the Potter's who returned to the Malfoy residence, but the Weasley's, Longbottoms, Pucey's, and other familiar faces trekked in for special occasion with their sons and daughters. Unlike the Malfoy Manor, Draco and Y/n's home became a welcoming house where families with good hearts and kind eyes now sat at the dining room table.
"Oi what do you got there?" Ron knelt down to where Scorpius, Rose, and Albus were sitting on the carpet floor.
"A comic book about a man who can move things with his mind!" Rose said in awe as she pointed to the page with a man in an elaborate costume.
"That's a useless power, doesn't he have a wand?" Ron muttered.
"Scorpius, me and Rose's dad can do stuff that these super heroes can't even imagine of doing!" Draco said with pride, but the kids shook their heads.
"What'dya mean no? I can set a bloody fire with my wand! Who else can do that?" Ron defended himself feeling a bit dejected.
"The Human Torch can do that with his entire body dad." Rose sighed and shoved him off going back to flipping through the pages with her friends.
"Kids these days huh?" Ron mumbled and looked toward Draco who shook his head in disbelief. And as the hours passed, the days came and went, and months turned in to years, Draco and Y/n never once regretted their decision to chose love, because without their Love, a life this grand would have never existed.

The End.

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