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**this chapter and the next few will be in second person pov :)


The train stopped with a huff at the platform. You briskly shoved a bunch of first years out of the way to climb on board. The second you and Draco boarded the train an immense amount of stares from the other students bombarded you. Some of them held out the Daily Prophet in their hands—others simply knew what had happened from friends—either way you and Draco would definitely be one of the main subjects during the train ride. You felt your heart beat kick up as you passed Harry, Hermione and Ron's usual booth, the three of them watched you as you shuffled through the walkway. You missed the earlier years where you had to ability to call them acquaintances, maybe even friends. Draco would never know the time you spent with the trio and some of the other folks they hung around with. The whispering intensified as you moved farther and farther back to the last cart of the train where most of the other Slytherins sat. You shuffled briskly to the back of the trolley and found where Pansy and Blaise sat awaiting you two.

"Finally, we thought you two weren't coming." Pansy emitted shaking her head.

"Isn't much of a choice now is there?" You said shoving your suitcase up into the overhand.

Every year the luggage you brought seemed to shrink; First year there was that excitement and wonder of attending Hogwarts that you packed practically everything in your closet, now you weren't even sure you'd stay a month at Hogwarts before the Death Eaters wreaked havoc. You sat at the edge of the booth starring at Blaise who was in your seat and very much cognizant of it.


"What first come, first serve." He shrugged looking up at you and shimmying in to the cushion seat .

"Get up Blaise." Draco retorted violently pushing his suitcase next to yours and glaring down at Blaise.

Pansy and Blaise gave a short look at each other and back at you. He reluctantly stood up and switched sides taking a seat next to Draco. You scooted in the seat next to Pansy and gave her a quick tap on the knee; A signal you two created a while back to communicate during silent reading time in classes. Pansy went to whisper something in your ear when a large puff of black smoke encased the whole trolley. Other students began yelling and hollering wondering who or what made the commotion.

"What was that! Blaise?"

"I dunno know."

As the haze cleared Draco was still standing in the middle of the walkway eyes focused to the other trolleys and then up above to the overhang. Pansy cocked her brow waiting for him to come sit, confused as to why he was still so uptight. You on the other hand were not confused, there was something that was irking him. He nodded his head and slowly sat down avoiding your eyes.

"I've heard that Dumbledore is making some other stupid changes at Hogwarts." Pansy chaffed rolling her eyes and pretending to stroke her imaginary beard.

Draco who was starring out the window with a harrowed expression cleared his throat.

"Hogwarts, what a pathetic excuse for a school." He shook his head and outreached his hands on to the table top. "I think i'd pitch myself off the astronomy tower if I thought i'd have to continue another two years here."

You looked down at your palms trying to avoid the prodding stares from Pansy or Blaze. Pansy who probably couldn't even fathom what was yet to come scoffed and looked up at Draco.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Let's just say I don't see myself wasting my time in Charms class next year." Draco said tactlessly looking up above at the overhand fiddling his fingers.

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