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A/N- warnings, mention of blood and getting cut by glass.

Bellatrix and the other Death Eaters rushed down stairs and through the door to dance down the hall hollering out in celebration. You turned toward Draco who was frozen in place and tried to shake him out of his shock, his eyes focused on where Dumbledore had stood mere moments ago. Finally you gripped his arm and pulled him away as hard as you could, staying any longer could ruin The Dark Lords plans.

"Draco, come on!" You cried finally getting him to move.

He didn't respond, he only grabbed your hand and followed you down the winding staircase with glazed over eyes and a white face. The castle which was once your home was now dark, and protruded an eery haze as you walked through the halls. Bellatrix skipped and danced down through the halls striking anyone who imposed her, soon there was dead bodies of Aurors laying at ever intersection. With Snape in the lead, you all traveled like birds in a flock, moving swiftly in a V formation. You and Draco walked hand in hand following closely to the others, hoping no one noticed the tears in your eyes.

Bellatrix stopped for a moment and let out a cackle, she jumped up on one of the tables in the great hall and flicked her wand. A motion so simple, caused every panel of glass to explode, sending a gust of violent wind against your faces and causing all the candles that once lit the hall to burn out. You and Draco looked in horror as the once beautiful Great Hall, was now desolate and destroyed, because of you. There was no hiding the utter disgust and shock on your face, and Snape broke his strides to turn around and pull you both away by your collars.

"Come on!" Snape bellowed pulling you two back toward the others.

The cool air greeted your skin as you exited the castle and made it toward Hagrid's small cottage. The fresh game still was slung on the door, however, you knew he wasn't home since the windows were tightly shut and the door was locked.  You were grateful that the cottage was vacant because Bellatrix let out a cry of joy sent the whole entire cabin up in flames. Your heart sank as you watched everything Hagrid owned start to burn before your eyes, the heat of the fire flooded your cheeks.
Snape was continuing to guide you when suddenly a bright flash of light whizzed past your face, quickly swiveling around you saw Potter dashing toward you and the others, his eyes filled with tears but his face red with anger.
"Expelliarmus!" Harry cried out, now aiming the wand more toward you and Draco. You quickly pushed Draco behind you and aimed your wand up toward Harry. The other Death Eaters turned around and went to go face Potter as well, however Bellatrix held them back, watching intently to see what you would do.
"Impedimenta!" You yelled sending a flash of blue light to Harry and knocking him backward. There wasn't time to feel guilty or remorseful, and in all honesty, you didn't feel any of those things, you were here to protect Draco, not to reflect on childhood fantasies.
"Go! Go now!" Snape bellowed shoving you and Draco off, Draco still in a horrified daze. You grabbed Draco's hand and took one last look at Harry Potter, hopefully the last time you will ever see him, and then ran off.

"It's done." Whispered Draco holding your hand so tightly you felt your fingers go numb. The silence that hung over your heads wasn't comfortable, it felt more like weights that you were being forced to carry, they only got heavier as the silence grew. In the distance the faint sounds of Harry's cries started to ring in your ears. "There was no other choice." You said in such a hushed tone you would be surprise if Draco could even hear you.
"You ready to go back and see mummy?" Bellatrix smiled wickedly as you all reached the deep thickets of the forest. Neither of you responded, instead you just slowly nodded your heads, making sure not to look directly at her. Pulling out your wand you tried to focus deeply on the Manor before disapparating from the forest, forever leaving Hogwarts. However, something happened between the Forbidden Forest and the Manor, you felt like you were being pulled in all sorts of directions and your vision blurred.

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