211 7 8

**sorry there's a lotttt of dialog in this chapter!!!

You rolled over and groaned draping your hand across the floor below you. Pansy and Daphne once again stood above glaring down at you with disapproval.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." You mumbled rolling on to your other side so your back faced them.

"Where we're you in charms class? And during supper? Pucey said that you aren't going to co-captain this year either!" Pansy barked still in her pajamas.

"We have one day off, and you want to waste it interrogating me?" You laughed throwing your pillow toward the two of them.

You felt them both sit on the edge of the bed, Daphne took a feather from the pillow on the floor and started to tickle your foot. You kicked her side and shot up, your eyes still filled with sleep.

"Draco and I just didn't feel like going to the other classes, and I just don't feel like loosing another championship game." You wearied.

Pansy rolled her eyes and balled up her jump throwing it at your face.

"So what? Her majesty the Slytherin princess, meanest, snarkiest, most admired leader of the group... just..." Pansy started to ramble mocking all the old compliments the Slytherin girls used to give you.

"You just quit? I mean really." Daphne looked down at you wallowing in the bed.

"I'm fine! Now will you two quit it and leave me alone!"

Pansy and Daphne both looked a bit hurt by your outrage. You knew you were being arduous and rude but the last thing you needed was more pressure.

"Can you at least apparate into the teachers hall and grab us a bottle of fire whiskey." Pansy murmured turning her back to you.

"You got it Royal Jester." You seethed insulted that she was so angry at your dismal disposition.

You slipped on the green fuzzy slippers by your bed and pulled out your wand, focusing on where you wanted to go. You apparated in front of the large doors that led to the staffs private dining quarters and quickly snuck inside. The room was glowing with lanterns that tinted the room a fair gold. Turning ninety degrees you saw the tall cabinet filled with old and expensive liquor, and from past experiences you knew exactly where the Fire Whiskey was.

Except now there was a tall and dark bottle standing next to it, with a half filled out gift tag attached to it that read;

From: Horace Slughorn
Thank you for this opportunity.

It didn't take an auror to figure out who the bottle was meant to go to. And although you weren't a large fan of mead, Dumbledore was. This could be Draco's chance to get the job done and do it in a much more impersonal way. However you didn't want to play the Dark Lords handyman, instead you wanting to go back to your room and sleep.

"I've got it."

You planted your feet back down on the hard wood floor of the girls dormitories and held out the bright orange liquor. Daphne grabbed the bottle and didn't say another word.

"You know you used to be really great. Now your just-"

"Hello ladies." Goyle interrupted and  knocked three times on the door despite already letting himself in.

You watched as Draco, Blaise, and Crabbe all shuffled behind him. Draco looked just as numb as you did, his eyes glazed over and his lips just parted slightly.

"What is it?" Daphne groaned.

"Im quite hungry and why not bring together the Inquisitorial Squad back together?"

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