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Dawn was slowly arriving and it's early rays of sun were peaking through the blinds. You sat and waited patiently at the edge of the bed waiting for Draco to wake up. Your eyes focused toward the large doors making sure no one walked in while you were here, it was best that you and Draco both remained in the shadows until the right moment. You felt the familiar sound of ruffling sheets and felt his legs shift, quickly turning around your gaze met with Draco's wide open blue eyes. He seemed a bit out of it and panicked since the last thing he probably remembered before being treated was laying down in the bed with a blood stained shirt—all alone.

"How long has it been?"

"Two days, the muggle medication they gave you knocked you out." You said scooting closer to him.

Draco had a look of defeat and of fear creeping across his pale face, the events leading up to his interaction with Potter replaying in his mind. After a moment you saw his lips push together and his eyebrows furrow trying to fight back tears. Draco took one glance toward the doors to make sure no one had entered and then leaned his head down and on top of your shoulder and start to softly cry. They weren't just dejected tears, they were tears of frustration and anger—this process had been going on for far too long.

"I want this to be done, I want it over with!"

You placed your hand on the back of his neck and gently ran your fingers against his skin. You couldn't quite come up with the words to comfort him, sometimes silence was the most intimate way to prove you were there for someone. Just letting him release all of his emotions was better than filling the quiet moment with empty words.

"I need to do this, I need to get this done." Draco muttered finally rising off your shoulder and sitting up.

Draco looked up at you for some sort of recognition or comforting response, however you stood staring blankly back at him. His eyes swam in tears that were slowly drying up and you looked down toward his shaking hands, placing yours palm top of his.

"We never had a choice whether we wanted to be a part of this war or not. However we have a choice whether we live or die, and if living means—" You pause, trying to shove away any memories of your past.

"If living means forgetting our old selves, and accepting who we are meant to be, who are parents expected us to be, then so be it."

You sat there picturing the little country side cottage you had dreamed about living in with Draco become caught up in flames—what ever your dreams for the future were we're getting destroyed. Draco interlaced his fingers with yours and slowly nodded his head.

"I've got to kill him, we have to win this war." Draco took in a sharp inhale and looked up at you. "There's no alternative."

The two of you sat there welcoming your old fears and worries with open arms as if they were old friends. The things you used to fear were becoming a daily part of your life, and the dark mark upon your arm sealed the deal. Potter may be the boy who lived, but you and Draco were the children who had no choice.

"We need to go." You whispered to him.


"Room of requirement, theres two birds in a cage that must be delt with."

Draco slowly nodded his head and rolled out of the bed placing his bare feet on the cool floor, and going to follow you out of the infirmary.

"Take these you idiot." You chuckled throwing him his normal pair of loafers.

He slid his feet inside the shoes and then ran to catch up with you as you exited out in to the hallway. There was something beautiful about Hogwarts so early in the morning, no students were out and about and the sun hit the green grassy spots in the courtyard just right. You and Draco quietly stepped up the staircase back toward the room of requirement and slid inside the doors, and once more you were greeted the smell of mildew and dust.

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