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"Get up you bum!" Pansy threw a pillow over your face and started to let out a hearty laugh from deep within her chest.

"Someone was out all night with their boyfriend pranking first years." Daphne grinned poking you in the side.

"Pranks are serious business ladies." You retort stretching your arms above your head and letting out a sigh.

The girls dormitory was tinged green and blue from the light reflecting off the black lake. If there was nothing else good about Slytherin house, the common room and dormitories would still make it one of the best houses. You rolled out from under the emerald green blankets and looked at Pansy who was tapping her foot and straightening out her robes.

"What has your knickers in a twist?" You scoffed shaking your head to clear the hair from your eyes.

"I'd like to be in potions class on time, I mean even if we left right now we wouldn't get there on time!" Pansy dictated.

You took off your night shirt, not really caring about Pansy or Daphne seeing your undergarments. You slid up your stockings and skirt and turned toward Pansy laughing at her response.

"Since when have you ever cared about being to class on time. Third year I don't think you ever made it to class when it started." You chimed throwing your pajamas at her.

She dodged the pile of old clothes and shook her head.

"I care since the Potions Master is now Horace Slughorn, he taught you know who!"

"God I wish they would've put me in potions this year. I'd love to meet him!" Daphne groaned flopping herself back on the bed, her loafers falling from her feet back to the hard wood floor.

You wish you could share that same enthusiasm. On the other hand you knew that you would be spending plenty of time with the Dark Lord, meeting one of his old teachers didn't exactly thrill you. You quickly threw on your jumper and robes trying to get ready as fast as you could due to Pansy's whining. Sliding on your loafers you elbowed her in the side and smiled.

"See you there."

You took out your wand but Pansy grabbed your wrist shaking her head.

"You know you can't disapparate inside school!"

You shrugged your shoulders and withered your hand from her grip.

"What are they gonna do, expel me?" You snickered and waved your wand focusing on the hallway outside of the potions room.

Your feet clattered to the ground and you stumbled a bit but a pair of cold hands gripped your shoulders preventing you from falling backwards.

"You were also running late I see." Draco said fixing your lopsided robe.

"Pansy was all knocked up about it, I reckon she'll be here any second now." You chuckled, the sound of feet hitting the ground proved your statement to be correct. You knew Pansy wouldn't be the odd one left out.

"I don't know what's up with you two, but I would try and stay on Dumbledores good side for once, hm?" Pansy grabbed both of your hands and pulled the two of you toward the classroom. "Now let's go!"

Some other students were already huddled in the corner watching as Professor Slughorn poured different ingredients in to his concoctions.

"Welcome! Please go ahead and grab a book and find some space in the room to stand." He beamed gesturing to the cabinet in the back of the room.

You rushed over and grabbed the cleanest book, trying to shuffle past Hermione and the other Gryffindor girls to join the rest of your friends. Hermione snapped her head with a concerned look, you gave her a small grin and continued back to where Draco stood. You grabbed the cleanest book you could find and took your spot next to Draco leaning against a desk. Slughorns room was dimly lit and the shelves were cluttered with items like wormwood or herbs. Many of the other students peered around the room trying to see if he had any old artifacts from the Tom Riddle days.

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