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warning: brief triggers for people with ED

Y/n looked in the dusty mirror and was too indolent to fix anything about her appearance at the moment. She was well aware that today when she walked downstairs to greet the Malfoy's at breakfast Lucius would make a brief statement on her looks. And it would be followed by Draco shifting uncomfortably in his chair and Nacrissa reprimanding him—although he never listened— and saying something like "It's still early, give her a break."

It wasn't that y/n was ungrateful about the Malfoy's taking her in. It was that she was tired of the meticulous attention to detail and supreme pressure on everything she did. She was pure blood, so she always had to act stuck up and better than everyone. She was in Slytherin, so she had to constantly be better than her peers. She was soon to become a death eater, so she had to prove that she was perilous and cutthroat. And on top of all that she had to make sure no knew about almost any of it. So when the sunrise came after sleepless nights, the last thing she wanted to worry herself about was her hair or the bags under her eyes.

Lucius sat stiff and rigid in his chair at the head of the table. He eyed the staircase waiting for y/n to come downstairs two minutes late as per usual. Lucius thought it was more than a formidable idea for her to come live with them when her parents passed. He knew of her since she was a small child, exceptional in school, came from a wealthy noble pureblood family, skilled in magic. And Draco of course took a liking to her as a young boy, which gave Lucius a bit of hope for his weak sons future. Maybe—Lucius thought about this daily— she would help his son accept his future and become less of a coward.

Narcrissa on the other hand was hesitant to take in anyone else to her family. Constantly finding herself anxious and afraid for her only child she wasn't sure if she could handle multiplying that stress by two. But y/n mother was a close friend to their family and how could she deny the sweet girl a home. Narcrissa soon learned that it was one of the better decisions she's made in her life, she took a great liking to the girl. Sure she knew y/n as a young child, but the mature women that Narcrissa had fostered was much different. Soon she found herself protecting and admiring her as one of her own children.

"If she's late one more time I swear to the lord." Lucius hissed slamming his cup of hot tea down on the table so it spilt over his fingers.

"She was up late last night again, I heard her talking to one of the house elves." Narcrissa said plainly taking a small bite from her breakfast.

She realized that she had given the wrong answer when her husband turned toward her furiously. Quickly Narcrissa twisted her words around and came up with a quick lie to tell her husband.

"Calm yourself dear, she was yelling at them for waking her. Perhaps we should get rid of these house elves and find others." Narcrissa grinned cunning as per usual.

Y/n's soft foot steps still caused a loud ruckus through the house. The tall ceilings and vast dining room made even the slightest sounds echo. Lucius eyed her as she walked down the stairs, her dark brown hair hadn't been brushed and her eyes were still coated in dreams from the quick slumber she had just awoken from .

"You must learn to prepare yourself before breakfast y/n." Lucius said as she took her seat across from Draco.

"It's still early, give her a break."  Narcrissa calmly rebutted just as Lyssandra knew she would.

She didn't argue back to Lucious instead she nodded her head and ran slender fingers through her hair. The house elves trotted over to her seat and stood on their toes to lay down her plate before her. But Y/n didn't dig in to her meal, every breakfast was the same. She would be served her meal and then suddenly Lucius would look at her face and frown. He wouldn't need to say a word, but she knew what it meant. So when the House Elf solemnly walked away she looked up at Lucius, who once again looked back at her and gave a discerning look.

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