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A/N/ if you want to pull up that tiktok audio where "Draco" is like "it's alright darling" and then like sings that little song thing...it fits with this chapter a bit.
ALSO this is a bit of a longer chapter... I added in some of the original text from the Deathly Hallows book:) But the end is...so...good...whewwww

Two weeks went by and not a word came out about the progression of the war, or if any secrets had come out about Harry Potter. You barely slept, every night either you or Draco tiptoed in to each other's rooms after midnight, wanting to discuss your night terror, or just be in each other's companies. You and Draco mulled around the Manor trying to find anything to keep the two of you busy and distracted. Some days you would read to each other, or sometimes you would sit by the edge of the gates trying to feed the white peacocks, however, that freedom was short lived however. When Narcissa reminded you two that you were now Death Eaters, and Death Eaters (In the middle of a Wizarding War) could not just sit outside beyond the gates and chatter amongst themselves. Neither you nor Draco protested, but it was a damper on your spirits, and it once again meant that you had to focus on yourselves and not mindless distractions.

"I can't tell if I should be happy that i'm bored, or beyond furious." You said as Draco laid next to you on the large expensive sofa in the empty foyer.
"Be glad, the longer. . . You- know-who-stays-away, the better." Said Draco leaning closer so that his head rested in the crook of your neck.
You lifted your hand up to his shoulder and traced circles across his back as he shut his eyes and let out a sigh that sent shivers down your spine.
"What was that song? You used to come over and sit in my room humming it when we were little." Draco finally spoke breaking the comforting silence, and tilting his chin up a bit to look at you.
"I cant believe you remember that." You laughed.
Draco suddenly leaned up a bit closer to your ear and started to hum the song, so calm and quiet as if he was singing you a lullaby.
You let out a quiet laugh and started to hum along with him, both of you closing your eyes and leaning against each other as you did so. You felt some peace for the first time in so long, for a moment there was no terror, or heartbreak to endure, there was only him. And for the first time in what felt like forever you cried, not sad or lonely tears, but happy ones, tears that felt down upon a smile and not a grimace.
"It's alright darling." Draco reassured stroking your hair, "We'll be alright."
But little did he know these tears were for him, for the happiness he gave you, and for the hope of your futures together.

The rain outside slowly subsided and left a humid fog across the front lawns, the white peacocks were barley visible from the large front windows. You wished that the feeling you had could last forever, that every day could be you and Draco together, peacefully discussing none sense and holding each other tightly, leaving no room for fear or hatred. However, the sound of clicking heals and loud sighs meant once again that these dreams were just. . . dreams.
"Get up! Snape, he-he's got information on the boy!" Narcissa shouted pulling you and Draco up from the couch. Draco's face went pale, and he grabbed your hand as Narcissa discussed the whereabouts of all the Death Eaters and just how soon they would be arriving to Lucius who was behind hers
"Y/n, you have to go get ready, the Dark Lord would want you looking your best. Same for you Draco! They'll be here shortly!" She ordered, looking extremely anxious as she ran about the dining room in a frenzy. You and Draco ran up the elegant staircase and back to your rooms, making sure to hop the last few steps on the staircase.

Throwing on your dark dress you took a look in the mirror, studying the features on your face. You looked much different than you did when you first started these endeavors, your eyes were puffy and surrounded by dark circles from the sleepless nights and the tears, your cheeks were hollow and you overall just looked much older, and torn apart.
"Dont stare too long, your reflections going to wave back." Draco tried to tease, standing in your doorway.
"I don't know who that is, but she seems a bit tense." You said staring deeply in to the mirror.
Draco walked over and stood next to you, examining both of your reflections in the dusty mirror. You weren't the only one who seemed to age in the past months, Draco had dark circles under his eyes, and although his hair was neatly combed back it still framed his stone like face.
"Look at us. . ." He said, taking your hand in his.
You both stood there for a moment, looking at the two emotionless teenagers who stared back.
"Maybe one day we'll look in the mirror, and our reflections will smile back." You spoke quietly, letting go of his hand and going to throw a sheet over the mirror.

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