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A/N- the timeline is gonna be a bit quicker than it is in the books, I want it to mirror the movies a bit. So the tent scene is basically the night before the war if that makes any sense.

Y/n stared outside the window, watching as the fog thickened over the neatly trimmed back yard. Draco stood next to her, he was timid at first, knowing that she would be at wits end after a month of spending every waking minute with Bellatrix, but after a moment or two he finally cleared his throat and looked up at her.
"If the owl comes today..." He trailed off a bit, he knew she was well aware of what would happen.
"Voldemort isn't prepared to attack today, he doesn't know where Potter is." Y/n said curtly, although she wasn't sure any of what she said was indeed true.
"Do you think he'll destroy the rest of the Horcruxes?" Draco said almost immediately after her response.
Y/n didn't say anything, she thought about what Harry must be doing right now. He was probably somewhere freezing, wishing he was dead, wishing Voldemort was dead too. He, Ron, and Hermione just had been cursing their names, cursing every single person who stood with Voldemort. And although everyone on the opposing side believed Harry could destroy the Horcruxes, she did not. No, not in the slightest. The task would tear him up inside, they are quite literally meant to destroy those who try, and although Harry was deemed as the golden boy, he would be no different.
"No. He couldn't of destroyed them, not yet." Y/n mumbled as she watched ravens fly from tree to tree, their black feathers were clearly seen through the fog. Draco seemed a bit taken back from her response, every day of his life he was reminded of how magnificent Harry Potter was, it was almost comforting to have someone with such little faith in him around.
"Do you know what's gonna suck?" Asked Draco turning toward Y/n.
"The fact that i'll never get to play another Quidditch match. I mean you and I, against Potter and all of them."
Draco's response took Y/n back a bit, she was surprised he would be upset over such a plain school boy thing like sports. In fact all this time Y/n didn't even think Draco really enjoyed playing Quidditch, in her mind all it was, was a way for Draco to try and get back at Harry.
"We were a great duo weren't we?" Y/n smiled a bit, which made Draco's heart leap, a smile.

The fog thickened, and with it came a icy chill, which sent shivers down Draco's spine. Despite what Y/n said about Harry, he still had such a grim feeling about today, he didn't eat, he didn't sleep in, all he though about was what if today was the day. Which is why he didn't leave her side, he followed her around during the early hours of the morning. They had tea, (Which they took two sips of and then left it to get cold), they got dressed, they read together for a bit. And it wasn't until the sun reached the top of the sky that Draco started to feel a bit of peace, especially when Y/n looked up to him and smiled once more.
"Want to go for a walk?" She asked, her cheeks hallowed a bit as she grinned.
Draco capitalized this moment, as his gut reminded him it could be there last moment of peace.
"I'd love to."
And off they went, hand in hand as they strolled through the garden that Narcissa had once kept. Yet just like the children that walked through it, it had been neglected, and now was nothing more than a bed of dried flowers and weeds. Although Y/n seemed to like it, she loved the crunch under her feet as she stepped on dead leaves, what she actually loved more was the feeling of Draco's icy hands intertwined in her own.
"No bears today huh?" Y/n chuckled a bit, she reflected on that day when they were small.
"Hm, Voldemort must've scared them off."
Y/n's face went pale, she still hated to hear his name even though she worked hand in hand with him. Draco instantly realized he had made a mistake, and turned toward Y/n.
"It's alright, we're fighting on his side we mine as well get used to saying his bloody name."
Draco felt something burn in the pit of his stomach, not the anxiety that he had felt during the day, but pure rage. He hated feeling afraid, he wanted nothing more than to live a life according to himself, but no, fear ruled over everything he did.
"Voldemort!" Draco shouted, causing Y/n to let go of his hand and look at him with wide eyes. "Say it, go on!"
Y/n seemed a bit cautious, but very quickly clenched her hands in to fists and screamed "Voldemort!"
The two of them started to scream the name louder and louder, luckily the Manor was situated so far from any other houses they didn't ever have to worry about a Muggle or a Harry Potter admirer heading their shouting fit.
"Volde— OW!" Y/n collapsed on to the ground, her arm turned a fiery red, and the emblem carved in to her skin started to slither on her arm.
"Dra— Bloody fuckin— OW!" She cried out, Draco collapsed next to her, the pain so intense that he couldn't even get a single word out.

They withered on the floor, tears streaming down their cheeks. The dirt underneath them caked in to their clothing, and they dug their finger tips in to the earth, wrapping their hands around the dead roots. The clouds thickened up ahead, and the chill that was in the air became so cold that they started to shiver. And suddenly it became quite clear to Draco that he was right, that something very bad was going to happen today, whether he and Y/n were ready or not.
"Y/n! Draco!" Narcissa called out rushing over to the children who were still hunched over in pain. She looked in shock, her face whiter than usual, and her lips quivered ever so slightly.
"He's here, they're here." She whispered to them, pulling them up and dragging them to the large panel doors that opened up in to the manor.
No. Y/n thought to herself.
This cannot he happening, not now, not ever.
Narcissa tried to rush the kids upstairs, hoping to clean them off a bit before bringing them down to face Lord Voldemort, however he spotted the two of them and gave a hissing call.
"Y/n, Draco, come sit. You did indeed call me, correct?"
The two of them snapped their dirt covered faces around with a look of horror. Voldemort cackled, he seemed in much higher spirit than he ever did before, which made Draco's hunch almost certain.
"I'm only kidding, how come I—the Dark Lord—Can take a joke, but you two cannot? Today is a good day too, now isn't it?" Voldemort turned toward all of his supporters, who let out a shrill set of cheers.
Y/n scanned the room to find Snape, hoping to seek some comfort in his sullen eyes, however he didn't come, he was still at Hogwarts.

"Potter is at Hogsmede, probably inside Hogwarts with Snape this very moment. It is time to take back the Wizarding World."

The large open room quickly became very dark and small in Y/n's eyes, she felt as if someone was resting right on her chest and trying to suffocate her. All this time talking about a war, since she was a small child, and now it was finally happening, it was real. If Draco felt a bit ill before, he was most certainly sick now, his stomach churned and his throat seemed to close as he heard the cheers come from the table. And just for a moment, a quick second, Draco felt remorse for everything, just like he did that night on the astronomy tower, and it could've been quite possible that Draco would've backed away that insane. But Draco's eyes interlocked with his fathers, and any sign of regret vanished, and was replaced with that familiar pressure once more. This time it filled his whole being, his cheeks turned pink and his hands balled in to fists, this was Draco's last chance to prove himself, whether he wanted to or not.
"Excellent." Draco croaked out, "When do we go?"
Voldemort smiled, his teeth were sharp and he looked more like a serpent than a man.
"Eager? Lucius maybe your son is more worthy than I though." Voldemort averted his eyes from Draco's father and back to Draco himself, "you and the girl must wait here until we attack, from there you should apparate in to the school grounds."
Voldemort now looked directly at Y/n who held a blank stare down at the floor. "Do I make myself clear?" He asked, staring her down.
"Yes my Lord, we will not fail you." She responded with a similar icy tone.

Voldemort rose from his seat at the head of the table, Nagini slithered across the floor to coil herself near him. Most of the Death Eaters seemed all to thrilled, their wands in their hands, and masks sat down in front of them ready to be placed upon their faces.
"My faithful servants, my pure blood followers... For far too long we have been outcasts in our very own society, forced to mingle with Mudbloods, Muggle borne, and Half-bloods."  A groan escaped from the crowd, they all seemed to share his disgusted expression. "However, today, we take back what is rightfully ours! Today the Wizarding World will pay, those who supported Dumbledore will pay...Harry Potter will pay! What I started all those years ago will finally be completed!"
Cheers erupted from the people, they jumped up and down shot of flashes of lights from their wands which hit the ceiling of the Manor and caused some debris to fall down upon the table.
"Kill the Mud bloods! Kill the Mud bloods! Kill them all!" The Death Eaters chanted, storming outside of the Manor and out in to the front lawn, the fog had disappeared and their black hoods stuck out like sore thumbs. Voldemort smiled wide, his snake like eyes turned to Narcissa and Lucius who were still inside, and his tone changed quite quickly.
"I'd come now...I'd hate to see such a nice family be torn apart..."

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