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It was ablaze, young first years crying in hidden corners, Hufflepuff's and Gryffindors alike running through the halls fighting back the very people that sat in the Malfoy's dining room. Draco and you apparated in front of the dungeons as soon as a loud bang rang through the air, causing smoke and debris to fall around the two of you.
"Finally!" You could hear some of the children shout and flood out of the dungeons, the green detailed robes they wore made it quite clear who was locked up.
All slytherins, from first year to seventh year were shoved inside the dungeons while a full out war was happening. Of course some were sons and daughters of Death Eaters, but others were completely innocent, young kids who were given no choice to fight or to flee. An earth shattering bang erupted and Draco ran to cover you as more debris fell on top of you both. Your ears rang a bit and you felt as if you swallowed handful of dust as you both slowly returned to your feet. The school was decimated, and it was becoming more destroyed every second. It looked more like ancient ruins than a prestigious academy. You had imagined what this war would look like, but you never pictured it to look like this.
"Slytherins, they locked us in a cage?" Draco whispered to me as we scanned the flood of kids for our once friends.
"They'll never see us as anything but snakes huh?" You said back softly, watching as crowds of kids rushed past you.
The smell of smoke filled up your senses, and your eyes water as the heat from fires spread around you. You felt Draco's hand escape from yours and you watched as he grabbed a hold of two familiar faces, they seemed far too happy to see each other.
"Blaise, Goyle, nice to see you." You muttered as they greeted Draco and turn their focus to you. You knew what came next, that you and Draco had to separate, and that while he was searching for the diadem you were going to have to find Snape. Around you the statues protected mass groups of children as large dark beasts wrecked havoc, destroying whatever was in their path and having no mercy to show. Suddenly the danger you were faced with became far too real, and while Goyle and Blaise waited impatiently Draco's eyes met with yours, and he racked through his mind to try and find the courage to say what he wanted to.
"Y/n, I-"
"I know," You placed your hand on his cold cheek. "Tell me when we're safe." You whispered and quickly kissed his lips before quickly moving away, "now go! Go! You have to hurry!"
He turned around and you watched as his blonde hair faded in to the crowds and then vanished. You didn't need to hear him say he loved you, in fact you almost didn't want to hear it, saying things like that always seemed like a goodbye, and this would not be a goodbye. However you couldn't escape the lingering feeling that, that could've been the last moment you ever saw Draco Malfoy. Trying to stay focused on your duties in the midst of the chaos, you turned the opposite way and ran toward the small docking house at the edge of the lake hoping to find Snape there.

The cries of students and teachers alike filled your senses as the people ran to fight or to flee from the peral they were faced with. With every step you took the shield above you was vanishing and more beast's and Death Eaters rushed inside the school grounds.  Some of them noticed you and gave a nod of recognition and others seemed to be far too focused with their prey to say hello. You tried your best to go a route that would avoid any familiar faces, but you couldn't help but notice the Greengrasses holding their daughters and killing those who surrounded them and the Parkinson's quickly finding an escape route from the battle. Suddenly a cold hand grabbed your arm, and dug it's uncut fingernails in to your flesh.
"My dear niece, my dear y/n, why are you in such a hurry?" Bellatrix's voice cut through the air, her wild hair covered parts of her white face.
"Auntie Bella, I was on my way to find Severus." You answered, trying to match her tone.
"Ah, I see."
In your peripheral vision you could see she was holding a girl by the neck, but you made sure to maintain deep contact with Bellatrix' black eyes.
"Beautiful isn't it? You're mummy and daddy would be so proud of you, you are everything they couldn't be." Bellatrix smiled and her eyes glistened as flashes of bright light sputtered around your heads. "I know they would be." You said with fake confidence.
"Now before you go, do you know this wretched girl?" She held up the girl you noticed before by the neck in front of you, and Susan Bones lifted her eyes to meet yours. Her hair no longer in that style you made fun of, but knotted and flung across her flushed, beaten face.
When you didn't answer Bellatrix grinned, her teeth were blackened and her lips curled in to such a viscious smile she resembled a hyena preparing to strike.
"Kill her for me will you?" She pleaded, now with a full spread smile plastered on her face.
"Bellatrix I hardly—"
"This is the final test my love! I've been training you for so long, this is your final test."
Susan who was still being held tightly by her neck looked up at you, and she didn't seem angry, there was no spite or hatred in her gaze. She was defeated, and looked at you with eyes glazed over with tears that drooped down signifying she had accepted her fate, that your face would be the last one she ever saw. As you tighten your grip on your wand thinking of what to do you felt the M ring on your finger shock you a bit, and you could see it's color change to a deep red signifying Draco was in danger.
"Bella! Draco is in danger, please I can't do thi—"
Suddenly Bellatrix raised her wand up and instead of striking Susan she rested the point of her wand against the underside of your chin, digging it further in to the soft flesh.
"I won't hesitate! Anyone who betrays my orders betrays the Dark Lords orders." She hissed and dug the wand further in to your neck, striking a bit of blood from the skin. The ring on your finger burned a bit, and you knew that any more time spent here was time wasted from saving Draco.
Bellatrix snickered and quickly dropped her wand from your neck. With all her might she pushed Susan to her knees and tugged on her red hair. She let a few tears escape from her eyes and then looked up at you once more, and your eyes never left her as you uttered those words.
The flash of the green light, and the soul wrenching thud of her body slamming against the stone would fade from your memory some day, but the image of her tear soaked eyes still burned in your mind and probably would forever.

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