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You were sick to your stomach as you leaned against the edge of the table listening to Slughorn drone on and on about Wolfsbane and other vital ingredients for potions. His rambling had slipped in through one ear and out through the other leaving little to no trace in your mind, you had much bigger things to worry about. It was coming soon. The day that The Dark Lord had arranged, a monumental day for the opposing side and if done correctly—could mean winning the war.

Most students would be more than thrilled to have people come visit them—how ever if any of those students were in your shoes they would probably pray for anything else. Having a group of Death eaters coming by to witness the murder of your headmaster wasn't a warm or comforting occasion. In fact to most it would be just the opposite, but to you and to Draco—it was your only hope.

Draco was still in the infirmary because Madam Humphrey believed he was still "too shaken up" to be able to go back to class and insisted he stayed for at least another week. However you and him both knew it would be much shorter than a week before you were both gone. So today you found yourself partnered with Daphne and Pansy when Slughorn dished out another ridiculous task with a puny reward compared to the last one. In the grand scheme of things partnering with Pansy and Daphne wasn't a large feel; However you saw it as a chance to exercise the wicked and cruel tone you would have to use soon anyways.

"If you can concoct a perfect pot of Draught Of Peace..." Slughorn pauses thing to invoke some sense of anticipation. " I'll allow you to keep the vial full and skip the rest of this weeks classes."

You were almost finished when a very upset Lavender Brown stumbled by your table. Her mouse like face was twisted in a range of emotions and her frilly blonde her fell in all sorts of directions as she rummaged around the bottom cabinets. Finally after a few minutes she reluctantly looked up toward the three of you and took in a deep breath as if she was preparing herself for the interaction.

"Have you got any stirrers?"

"We do..." Pansy's voice trailed off and the tip of her tongue reached the roof of her mouth like she was in deep thought. "However I don't provide utensils to second choices."

Lavenders eyes went wide and she stammered while a few tears started to form in her eyes. Usually you would wince at this interaction and try to very mildly entertain Pansy's taunting. Yet ever since Draco's injury and the morning in the Room Of Requirement you found yourself disgusted with just about everyone and everything at this school—especially the Gryffindors and the endless worshippers of Harry Potter. Every time you tried to think of fond memories with any of them, the mark on your arm would burn and you would remember who you are—and who they are.

"Don't cry!" You belted.

Pansy at first was turning toward you with her eyebrows furrowed disdained by your kindness. However you leaned in closer to Lavender and pursed your lips.

"You look a bit like a Grindylow when you cry." You snickered. "Perhaps that's why Ron ended things?"

Pansy and Daphne also let out a few laughs as they watched Lavender run out of the classroom letting out loud weeps. The exchange almost sent Pansy over the edge as she mocked the funny way Lavender ran. The perfect little golden trio who sat at the station behind you felt quite enraged by the conversation they overheard and turned around trying to interfere with your booting and hollering.

"Why are you so rude?" Hermione scoffed slamming her book down on the desk.

"Quiet down sloppy seconds." Daphne interrupted, her mouth opened to form a mocking grin.

Your lips turned to show a sliver of a smile. There was something about all of this that seemed so welcoming, almost natural. You believed that if Lucius was here right now he'd have the largest smile splattered across his face—he liked it when you were cruel. Harry and Ron stood up from their chair and went to protest. But when you saw Potter all you could see was Draco's shaking body on the flooded bathroom floor—and Harry standing over him.

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