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The dining hall was lit with the clouded sunshine that fell through the large windows and reflected off the shiny empty trays of food. Harry slouched over the potions book and scanned for new spells while Ron felt chills down his spine every time Lavender glances his way. However Hermione was prideful and started to feel a bit happier than usually when she saw Lavenders scowl and white knuckles from gripping her spoon so hard.

Y/n traveled down the hall arm and arm with Pansy and Daphne laughing about some silly nonsense. She tried to separate herself from her feelings, animating herself like a cartoon character. Y/n thought that by pretending so hard to be happy and forgetful of Draco that maybe her feelings would actually come true. The girls waltzed in to the dining hall, y/n quickly felt bombarded with stares and whispers as every one took shifty glances toward her. Following her friends to the farthest back table she suddenly heard a familiar voice call out her name.


She stopped and gave a quick smile and nod to Pansy and Daphne trying to signal them that it was fine if they went ahead with out her. Removing her hands form her robe pockets she turned toward Harry and tried her best to force a smile. She already knew the purpose of his endeavor to speak to her—and it was all about making sure she was adjusting back to normal life well.

"Hi Harry."

"Uh-Well how are you?" He asked, obviously wanting to say something completely different.

And Y/n knew this. As she slowly started to piece together what had happened when she got cursed, she was also cognizant that Harry would be at wits end trying to prove to everyone that Draco was at fault. And Draco was completely at fault, but it was much more complex than that and Harry could ever understand. Even if Harry did allow her to explain, he would be blinded by his hatred and still go after Draco.

"I know what your going to say Harry. I've been trying to piece together everything that's happened." Y/n spoke tilting her head and giving a half smile to Harry trying to appeal to his demands.

"Just know it's not his fault."

"You have to remember something? I mean you can tell me." Harry pleaded.

"I want to remember but I-I can't."

Her stuttering came from the frog that had just appeared in her throat as she saw Draco enter the dining hall. His eyes were bloodshot and the collared shirt he wore was barely tucked in, it was clear that he wasn't doing well again. It was indescribable the sorrow she felt locking eyes with him. Draco felt completely shattered as well as he saw her standing there. All of the sleepless nights preparing for what he'd do when she finally awoken was wasted upon him now. Instead he felt sheer panic pump through his veins and tears start to fall as he watched her soft eyes try to reach him from across the room. There was something heartbreaking about reuniting after such hard words had been shared, how could you break the ice when the last words you said were daggers that shout through the soul.

Harry turned around noticing that Y/n was distracted and saw Malfoy quickly rush out of the dining hall. Feeling that same anxiety and sickness he felt when he first found out she had been cursed. Harry started running after him filled with rage and in need of clarity.

"Harry! Please!" Y/n shouted trying to get him to come back. "Harry don't I bet you!"

She knew exactly what would come next if they fought, someone was going to end up wounded, cursed, or even dead. Trying to figure out how to stop the brawl without endangering herself or giving Draco away she remembered the letter Narcissa had sent her.

Severus has agreed to help him, trust in him.

That was the answer. Snape although usually quiet and reformed could help her with this. Quickly she leaned over and started shaking a young girl who was sitting near where y/n stood.

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