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we're back in third person
this is gonna be a long chapter but it's my favorite one yet

  The day came quick, as if someone out there had deceived time himself and sped up the clocks. Outside it was dark and gloomy despite being mid-day, the sun knew the significance of today and decided to hide behind the clouds. Y/n didn't sleep the night before, she laid wide awake wishing that she could've somehow spent the grueling hours of dusk with Draco.
  But somehow throughout last night they were connected, the same sweaty palms, aching bodies and twitching feet, eyes wide open in anticipation. Y/n for the first time since they arrived at Hogwarts slid back on Draco's ring, hoping it would provide her good luck and strength today.

  Pansy and Daphne had begged her earlier to go with them today to Hogsmeade but Y/n quickly denied their plea and told them she would be waiting for them when they got back. She sat in silence for most of the day while the rest of the students meandered through Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. Lounging all alone in the Commom room skipping through books she had stolen from the restricted section, trying to find any spells that could possibly help her in the future. It was tormenting to have to stay isolated during those hours, however her and Draco both decided that today they would speak to no one, they would not leave their rooms and they would only see each other when the time was right.

  So there Y/n sat all day, reading through pages and pages of old books. There were a few times where she wanted to go leave the Common room, maybe go find Severus and talk to him, ask him for advice. However she knew it would look extremely suspicious and if Potter still had his special map there would be nothing to stop him from tracking her every step. Plus she knew that soon enough Snape would be joining her, Draco and the other Malfoy's back at the Manor, maybe then she could ask him for guidance.

  Draco laid completely still inside the infirmary bed his eyes staring up at ceiling. He watched it change colors with the hours of daylight, and he knew that when the only thing illuminating the old dusty roof was the candle next to his bed—it was time. Although Draco had been endlessly trying the whole school year to complete this task, it still seemed to come up so abruptly. As the hours of the day passed by Draco thought he would grow more and more ill, yet he felt completely numb in the moment. Like someone had ripped his soul from his body and left behind just skin and bones with some blonde hair. He hoped that this feeling of nothingness would last, so that when he looked Dumbledore in the eye tonight he would feel nothing. But since Draco was no idiot, and knew how these things went, he knew that the second he faced his headmaster it would take extreme courage and perseverance to be able to finish the job.

  Draco after hours of staying still repositioned himself for a moment and grabbed the photo that stayed hidden underneath the nightstand next to the hospital bed. He stared at the moving photo of y/n that he took from her suitcase when she was cursed. His eyes focused so intently on every detail about the picture, trying to replay every happy thought about that moment in his head, to try and distract himself. It filled him with a temporary joy that was chased out by the impending fear and darkness that crept upon him. He felt like a little boy who was nervous about his first day of school, the butterflies—more like wasps—buzzed around in his stomach and filled up his throat until he was practically choking on fear and despair. And just when he felt like he was about to vomit, his forearm started to burn.

Y/n felt it too, a strong stinging pain that felt like leaving your arm stuck on hot pan or getting poked with a hot needle. She watched as the symbol on her forearm became agitated . And when she heard the footsteps of all the Slytherin house members filing back in to the Common room, she knew it was time.

Up in the sky far above the Astronomy tower the same symbol brewed in the clouds casting a dark shadow over the school. Mcgonagall who had witness this sort of darkness before called out to all students out in the courtyard. Warning them to get inside and back to their dorms, and apologizing that she had to cut their leisure hours short. Harry Potter on the other hand has just returned, and was looking for no reason to relax, instead he was frantic holding Dumbledore up and trying to walk him to the infirmary. Although Dumbledore was not panicking nor expressing any concerns, instead he seemed content, and calmly turned to Harry and asked to see Severus, and only Severus.

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