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i've been dying to do this and I feel like now is a really good time to diverge really quick from the chapters. here are songs that i think represent this book soooo well, so i decided to put the song name and the analysis for draco and y/n underneath !
(i know y/n is you all, but i do recognize her as her own singular character with her own traits that are represented in my fic)

class of 2013-
y/n- never truly grieving her dead mother since their relationship was never healthy, feeling like she never once had a mother who supported her true interests.
Draco- growing up with no real love, but making do with the few moments of comfort with Narcissa, he wonders if his father was gone would she be any different.
together- they are both kids who needed to have comfort from their mothers, and

twin size mattress-
y/n- I feel like this shows that her dependence on Draco and her rage coincides. "It's no big surprise you turned out this way." She loves him regardless, but at every speed bump she goes insane because she knows that things could be so different if they weren't who they were.
Draco- Feeling trapped, and always stuck in his own way. Draco sings this more to himself rather to y/n or any other characters, he can't seem to escape his life, and his love for y/n is so deep but he can't ever seem to tell her or to do something about their situation.
Together- This song explains their relationship perfectly. They aren't toxic to each other, their environment is toxic and they are walking on eggshells constantly.

Glory and Gore-
y/n- despite her good nature she is no saint, and when it comes down to her morals, or survival she will always pick survival. although some things she has been forced to do eat her up inside, she never turns away from her responsibilities. She realizes very quickly that Glory and Gore do go hand in hand.
Draco- Being forced to uphold the family name and take over his fathers duties draco is forced to do things no young child should. as a young child and even now draco realizes how much Death Eaters would risk for their glory.
together- in complete honesty when i wrote the Dawlish chapter i imagined this song playing in the background. i like to thing of this as their "accepting fate" sort of song, like they realize to survive they've got to do these awful things..but god damn they're not too shabby at being awful.

Bad Liar-
y/n- she has been lying her whole life, to her parents, the the malfoys, to voldemort, everyone except for draco. it's draining on her and it's so hard to escape her true morals to become a Death Eater.
draco- draco is lonely. he has never had a real friend besides y/n, he never had love from his family, he wasn't even really liked on the quidditch team. but yet he never lets any of that surface up and express those feelings to anyone else except for y/n, just like her he is so drained with being someone he's not.
together- they both stifle down their feelings, it's something they've learned to do as kids. and even thought they are only vulnerable with each other, they still have a lot to overcome to be able to finally reach complete honesty.

y/n- i think this song really represents her intensity and i like to think of this as like her inner monologue. she is constantly trying to pick herself up and continue fighting for herself and for draco.
draco- draco will continue to have this inner monologue that is constantly causing him to contradict himself. he knows he has to try for y/n, and if it wasn't for her he'd really have very little to live for.
together- this song just beautiful represents the exhaustion they both have from their relationship and their lives. it is the song that describes that whole "love isn't easy" sort of thing, and they both realize that they will have to put in blood, sweat, and tears to make it out alive, and together.

Newt says goodbye to Tina/ Jacob's Bakery-
~i cannot say a lot without spoiling my intentions for the ending but i will ask you guys to play this song as you read the epilogue later on~

Main Title: Nemo's egg-
Together- I know this is an instrumental song but every time draco and y/n reminisce their childhood's I always imagine this song playing solemnly in the back ground. It's that sort of tender, calming, almost a mix of joy and sadness sort of mood that I think really brings out that sort of discontent they have now.

With or Without you-
y/n- this song is more about her viewing draco and feeling so awful about his life. she is almost grateful she has no parents because she sees draco fall apart because of family pressures.
"And you give yourself away."
draco- his dependence on y/n, and his realization that with her he still hates himself, and without her he would still feel the same.
together- at this point in the story they are both a bit hopeless and see no real escape anymore. they realize that with or without each other their demise might be forthcoming and they both are ill thinking about this. i feel like this song is a perfect sort of duet for them, Draco see's y/n leave behind her past self to become a Death Eater and y/n watches as draco slowly falls apart.
"My hands are tired, my bodies bruised. She's got me with nothing to win and nothing to loose."
"See the stone set in your eyes, see the thrones twist in your side."

i'm with you-
basically every vance joy song tbfh...
y/n- the only reason y/n is doing what she is doing is for draco. she has no real family left, she doesn't believe in pure blood ideaologies, she hates the Malfoys except for draco...there is actually no reason she should be a Death Eater except for draco.
draco- he loves y/n and constantly admires her. he is unable to express his feelings but he knows if he did maybe things would become much easier.
"opening up can open some wounds."
Together- They are only in this for each other, they've been friends since they could barely speak and there is this strong bond that is never going to be broken.
"only been here for a moment but i know i want you."
"there's nothing I won't do, I'm with you."
"my darling i'm ready, to burst in to flames for you."

O children-
can't spoil anything...but this is coming in to play in a chapter really soon :)

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