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back in third person :)

Y/n sat inside the large girls stall in the lavatory, Katie and Hermione both stood next to her with a worrisome expression. She had been sitting on the toilet seat for five minutes just staring blankly at the stall door. Finally Hermione squatted down and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"What happened."

"It's Draco, we had a bit of a nasty fight." She sniffled shaking her head in disbelief.

Katie frowned and leaned against the door, she was about to make some speech about how boys suck and the key to a girls heart is a quidditch broom. However the sound of high heels and two angry teenage girls entered the bathroom banging on the stall door.

"Y/n! Who do we have to murder!" Pansy shouted slamming her body against the door.

Pansy, Daphne and Y/n all wore matching bewitched mood rings. That way they always knew when each other needed a pick me up, or a good reason to celebrate. They glanced down earlier and noticed the ring start to swirl blue, meaning that one of them was in distress. And since Pansy and Daphne both had smiles on their faces, it had to have been y/n.

Hermione creaked the door open just enough to pop her head out. She was greeted by the two girls who were as per usual dressed to the nines and had scowls painted across their faces.

"Granger? Move your filthy self out of the way!"

"For once in your life Parkinson can you put aside your bloodline and pride? She doesn't need us arguing, what she needs is her friends." Hermione scoffed baffled by the nerve of the two of them.

Pansy and Daphne reluctantly agreed and filled up the remainder of the space inside the large stall. When Daphne noticed your flushed cheeks and wet eyes she let out a dramatic sigh and wrapped you in her arms.

"Bloody hell, i'll kill who ever made you this upset!" She cried out.

Y/n wished she could appreciate the environment she was in, a plethora of support and love surrounded her. However all she could focus on was the ache in her chest and the feeling of regret. She should have just grabbed his face and told him to shut up because arguing won't fix a thing.

Draco who was walking alone in the snow had a similar pang in his heart. He loved her, there was no doubt about that. But he was young and didn't understand how to love her. And so far he had made nothing but lousy attempts to show his feelings. Every second he stayed at Hogwarts he was growing ill, filled with dread and hatred. And instead of taking advantage of the abundance of kindness and warmth she gave him, he took his fear and distress out on her.

However Draco knew that for them to live a happy life together, he had to finish the job he was assigned. Which is why inside the suitcase laid a Hexed necklace, one that he would leave inside the girls lavatory for Katie Bell to grab and bring back to Dumbledore. When that was finished he could run inside the common room with his heart opened and apologize to y/n, tell her that a life without her isn't worth living. To calm Draco's nerves as he walked toward the Three Broom Sticks he imagined what he would say to her later on today.

Draco would first tell her that he lied when he said he hadn't dreamed of their lives together if they were just normal teenagers. Then he would promise her the life they dreamed of when this was all over. That if they just persevered and stayed alive soon they could live in a quaint house on the country side, where it was quite and peaceful, and grow old together. Maybe then she would forgive him for the appalling things he said to her.

"Can we discuss anything else!" Y/n shouted covering her ears.

The girls had all started to chatter amongst themselves about all the things that could be bothering you. Pansy would say that Draco is just insensitive and he'd come back to apologize any day now, and then Hermione would rebuttal by saying Draco was never a good person and that she should tell him off. While they argued Daphne and Katie were their sycophants, constantly agreeing and shaking their heads yes.

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