authors note

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hey guys!
sorry i had to take a break from writing,,, a lot of people from here on wattpad go to follow my tiktok or go to my instagram and I was receiving a lot of hate on this fic.

i don't write a lot of sex scenes because i love to lay down a solid story line and foundation before adding in "spicy scenes"

with that being said there is no excuse for the dm's i receive on my instagram with people saying things like
"compared to other stories yours is just boring"
"everyone has sex why are you being such a pussy about writing these scenes for us"
"it's what the readers want, good authors listen to their readers"
"BYEEE your so vanilla like what the fuck is this?"

it took me a while to figure out how i would start addressing things like this, and after around a month of not updating this fic i decided to just get this off of my chest...

this book was supposed to show what it would be like for draco to have a companion during the wizarding war, and it was supposed to highlight what war time is like. i know fics like little bird, breath mints and battle scars, lucky, and a lot of other fics are very smut heavy and there is nothing wrong with that, but i wanted my fic to be very realistic and to be unique from others. which is why i chose to focus on the trauma, codependency, betrayal, and heart break of war and not dive straight in do sex. i also thought that creating a very slow build up would make these scenes much more realistic and much more "rewarding" when they did come, i would rather have a fan fic with smut than a smut with some plot...

i work so freaking hard on the things i write, and i am constantly trying to share this fic and create good content on my social media for people who read this to go check out and when i receive a lot of hate it makes me just not want to write at all anymore which is why i just had to take a break.

anyways,, now that i have gotten that off of my chest i'm gonna let everyone know that bc of the dm's i get i will be adding in more smut and more "spicey" moments now since it seems like that's all anyone wants to read (which is fine, i would do anything for my readers)
the next two or three chapters will not have any smut bc they are extremely emotional chapters and there is a lot of angst and inner turmoil that will be shining through, but once we're through with that i guess i will add some stuff

plz do not think that i am being ungrateful or i am trying to send hate,, i have receive no joke 34 DM's on my insta and my tiktok where people are being just straight up ass holes and i felt the need to address these things..

new chapters will be up  ASAP

thank you guys for everything and i hope you enjoy the book

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