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"Yes Ms. Granger!" Slughorn fondly shouted.

You smiled at Hermione and shot her a subtle thumbs up. The whole class period Slughorn had kept going back and forth between you and her for answers, his astonishment in the knowledge of you two grew with every question.

"Now I hate to leave the last question to one of you, so you both can answer me with this question." Slughorn nodded his head and pulled out four tiny vials of potions and displayed them across the table.

"Both of you congregate and tell me what each of these potions smell like and what they are."

Draco wasn't in class today, he was back in the room of requirement mending the cabinet. He told you that you should keep going to class and maybe tell Slughorn some story like he was sick or in the infirmary to lower suspicion. Which is why today you didn't put up an act with Hermione, there was no daggers hidden in your words, no attitude, no low growls as she spoke. Instead the two of you gave small smiles of encouragement as you vied to answer the questions in class.

"This is draught of peace." Hermione answered wafting the lighter purple potion.

"It's purpose is to calm the nerves and help with anxiety and depression." You explained looking to Slughorn for validation.

You remembered the nights that Narcissa would tip toe up to your room and see you and Draco still up, she'd slip the two of you a warm cup of tea with it inside to help you sleep. You also could remember your mother drinking the potion right out of the cauldron after hours of crafting it, always looking toward the younger you and saying "one day your palms will sweat and your heart will beat this fast too"—oh was she right.

"Wolfsbane." You added pointing down to one of the vials.

"It relieves the effects of Lycanthropy, basically turning a viscous werewolf in to a drowsy one." Hermione explains, the two of you sneak quick glances at each other remembering Remus Lupin.

The two of you got to the vial that was partially capped so neither of you could see the color. Hermione and you bent down to try and smell what it was.

"It smells like mint, sugar, and broom polish a bit yeah?" You asked her raising a brow.

"No it's mowed grass and Ron's ha-"

The two of you froze for a moment when you realized that it was amortentia that you smelled , and you both subtlety let it slip who in the room could have been the one person you loved. Hermione turned beet red and her eyes widened. She quickly moved the hair from her face and crossed her arms making sure her back faced the class.

"That was Amortentia Professor." You breathed trying to keep yourself from turning flush.

Hermione was still embarrassed by her slip and stood there for a moment fiddling with the loose string on her robe. Harry and Ron who were standing with the rest of the class just chuckled, really unaware of what she said but just amused to see her so flustered. You continued to go down the line and started to smell a dark red potion. Hermione who quickly came to her senses stepped over to you and tried to figure out what the potion was.

"I don't know what that one is do you?" She whispered almost afraid to get it wrong.

But there was no way she would ever know what it was. You probably wouldn't even know what was in the vial if you hadn't come in contact with it a year or so ago. You looked up at Slughorn a bit horrified and cleared your throat.

"That's not a potion, that's a poison. Bloodroot poison to be exact." You stammered taking a step backwards and shoving your hands in to your robes pockets.

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