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The efforts put up by Voldemort's army seemed to be more prolonged then anyone could've thought, and now with one more horcruxe destroyed his army fought more viscous than they ever did before. Lucius, who was ashamed of his sons failure to bring the diadem back, was now trying to appease to Voldemort by doing whatever bidding he had asked. So quickly Lucius sought out Snape and told him how he must quickly return back to the Boat House.
"No." Said Snape, he was now back in the head masters office.
"Severus you were told to wait there anyways! Do you want to die by the Dark Lords hand?" Lucius then slammed his fists down on the old wooden desk that had once belonged to Dumbledore. "I sense that my son and that indolent, putrid, thing he calls a girlfriend have already thrown away whatever honor they have gained—"
Snape shoved Lucius' cold hands off the desk and looked at the disheveled coward in front of him.
"I will not die by the Dark Lords hand, and I assure you that when this is all said and done Y/n will have earned more respect than you have ever had." Snape hissed and then grabbed his cloak, swinging it over his shoulders and opening the office door.
"Now leave, if the Dark Lord has summoned me it doesn't mean that I need you to chaperone me Lucius, just because you need a mummy to make sure you're okay doesn't mean I do."
Lucius' sent him an icy glare and then scoffed as he stepped out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him. Now alone once more Severus took one last look at the office, and then made sure that the pensieve and Dumbledore's memory vials were safe and sound. He hoped one day someone would be interested in his memories, maybe if he truly did go through with taking in y/n as one of his own she would one day ask him for stories of his past.

The dark clouded skies seemed to only intensify the state of dejection that Hogwart's was in. Y/n and Draco had little time to reconvene before more chaos erupted. And as the last bit of defensive strategies by the students and staff were deployed Y/n grabbed Draco's hand and gave it a tight squeeze.
"Be safe while i'm gone, I have to find Snape, he might be able to help us." She whispered as Draco's hand held tighter and tighter to hers.
"What do you mean help us? We can't just switch sides, we can't just leave." Draco stuttered, he stepped closer to her. "They'll slaughter us, do you see what they're capable of?" Draco's eyes were wild with fear, and although he was relieved to be with her, nothing was taking away the unsettling feeling in his stomach. Y/n's face changed and she felt her words get caught in her throat as she tried to comprehend what Draco had just uttered. Their lives were in shambles, and the cause of their downfall would be the very people that they called family, but Draco still could not let go.
"You're father is a cruel and wicked man, who has done nothing except for abuse you and your moth—"
"And that's why I can't leave!" Draco yelled back, his voice echoed through the demolished hall corridor, causing Y/n to shudder.
"Draco? Draco, he destroyed every last piece of our normal life! How can we ever lead a normal life, a life fighting for the right side, if we don't leave?" Yn's voice rose and she felt tears prick her eyes. She remembered her childhood, the hurt she felt for Draco when she saw how he was treated, and she remembered not even a day ago when Lucius destroyed what last bit of happy mementos she had left, and she felt nothing but hatred and disrespect.
"I-I want to Y/n, please you know how badly I want that, but if this doesn't work—"
"IF IT DOESN'T WORK WE DIE! AND I WOULD RATHER DIE THAN FIGHT FOR THAT CUNT ANY LONGER! I'D DIE FOR YOU DRACO" Y/n screamed, her face went bright red and the tears that were welling up in her eyes finally fell, she felt utterly broken apart. "Would you do the same Draco?"
Y/n thought she knew that answer, but the war was bringing her out of the dark, and she wondered if her relationship with Draco had been a lie. She loved him, he loved her right? Then why were they not fighting tooth and nail for their lives, to make it out together? She figured that when they had the chance, they would run and start anew, but Draco was bound in shackles to the Malfoy family name, and everytime he reached for the key it vanished. He loved her, but he saw leaving as a risk, a risk too large for them to take at the moment. Y/n looked at the horror in his eyes, she did not want to leave him, but she knew that time was fleeting and that if she didn't find Snape her chances, no, their chances of making out of this alive were slim to none. Draco Malfoy had been the center of her life for so long, every fiber in her body she felt was dedicated to him, but in that moment, she put herself before Draco Malfoy. Not because she no longer loved him, no it was the opposite, she loved him so much that she would fight with every fiber in her body tlo make sure that when she left, he would come too, and the first step to doing that was finding Snape.
"I love you." She said plainly, "but I will not fight for Voldemort any longer."
Letting go of Draco's hand her tears fell faster down her cheeks as she turned the other way and ran. Draco looked at her remorsefully, feeling like a coward as he let the one person he loved in his life slip from his finger tips because he was too afraid to leave his family behind.
"Please stay alive Draco, I can't let this be the last time I see you." She called out before vanishing toward the outskirts of the school, leaving Draco behind. It was extremely hard for Y/n to even lift her feet as she ran through the carnage, her heart felt heavy and her stomach churned as each blast rang through her ears. Yet there was a feeling she couldn't quite place that was buzzing inside her, it wasn't fear nor heartbreak, it was hope. Hope that there would soon be light at the end of the tunnel, that this terror would soon be over. She had hope that soon Draco and her could be walking away from this mess, whether he liked it or not. Hope that no more lives would be lost in the battle, and she even had hope that Snape would make it out too, and that maybe, maybe when her and Draco were living on their own, he would visit once in awhile.

Scanning the area for someone to help her she recognized two familiar gingers up ahead, with wands at draw and faces etched with fear. Sprinting in between the brawls spread around on the court yard she fell in to Fred and grabbed him by his broad shoulders.
"I'll kill—Y/n? Oh god, Y/n please don't make me do this." Fred's voice was raspy from choking back tears and has hand was shaking as he pointed his wand in to her chest.
"Fred! Fred, no, I'm not gonna harm you or Percy, or anyone!" She was traumatized at the sight of his face, she had never seen a Weasley twin without a smile upon his face. "Fred I need your help."
Percy who was standing idly by turned his head and held his wand tighter, feeling obligated to blast her off of his brother, protecting him now since he never did before.
"Percy relax." Fred muttered to his brother, but his eyes stayed focused on Y/n, she looked much different now than she did when he saw her on the Quidditch Pitch years ago.
"Fred where's Harry?"
"Like I'm gonna bloody tell you that?" Fred's eyes widen and he shook his head in disbelief. Y/n knew that if she could find Harry, she could find Snape, and considering she was on a time crunch, it really was her best option.
"Fred," Y/n reached down to where his wand was and pushed it deeper in to her chest, "kill me if it makes you feel better. I'm not going to fight for them anymore, and if I have to die to prove that, then so be it." Fred looked horrified as he heard her ask him to kill her, and he saw how serious she truly was. Feeling overwhelmed he pulled his arm back, and closed his eyes for a moment to try and regain any composure he had.
"Fred! Do it or I will!" Percy cried out as Fred lowered his wand.
"Percy! I'm okay! It's okay!" Fred shouted back and then opened his eyes once more. Y/n let out a sigh as the pressure in her ribs left, but nothing got rid of the sick feeling in her stomach.
"Fred, I need to find Harry, please." Y/n pleaded, she hoped that after all of this was done, even the twins could see her as a friend once more.
"He went that way, over the—THE BRIDGE!" Fred's eyes went white and he let out a gut wrenching cry. Y/n spun on her heel to see what he was gaping at and saw clouds of darkness, something that resembled monsters from a child's worst nightmares hurling toward the school. The eery chill that ran down their spines and the bleak feeling that feel over the surrounding area only confirmed what it was that was racing toward them.
"Ginny and all her friends are over there!" Fred stammered and went to shove Y/n out of the way but she grabbed his arm and pushed him back.
"Stay here! You need to stay alive!" Y/n shouted and then bolted toward the edge of the bridge, shouting "Thank you again Freddy!" as she ran away from him.

The Dementors glided briskly through the air in front of her, their skull like figures cloaked in black. Y/n noticed Ginny and some other familiar faces reaching for their wands in a panic, however before any one was able to set forward Y/n shoved past and planted her feet at the edge. Now facing the dementors all alone Y/n tried to push away any of negative feelings she had and tried to remember what little bit of light she held dear in her life. She allowed that buzzing feeling of hope to take over her body, and let the freedom of her memories take over her heart and soul. Shutting her eyes tight she raised her wand just as the Dementors started to reach the middle of the bridge and yelled "Expectopatronum!"
Light escaped from her wand, and transformed in to a brilliant white peacock, whose feathers gracefully flowed with the rest of its figure as it raced toward the Dementors. The brilliant light produced by her Patronus lit up the dark sky, and sent the Dementors screeching in the opposite direction. Y/n didn't know it, but down further away Harry, Ron, and Hermione stood on the bridge, in awe of what they just witnessed. The last time Harry had ever seen a Patronus charm as powerful as that one was when he casted it himself to clear the Dementors away from Sirius. But the power of the charm wasn't what shocked him, it was who casted it. Y/n stood in the same spot in front of the crowd, toward the edge of the bridge, with her wand still held out words. She slowly opened her eyes, feeling a bit drained but still determined nonetheless.
"Harry come on!" Hermione muttered, pulling him toward the boat house before Y/n could even spot their silhouettes in the distance.

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