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"Wake up."

"Y/n, seriously." Draco mumbled shaking your shoulders.

Your eyes fluttered open as Draco began to stand up rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck. He was still in the dark suit from last night, which was now wrinkled and creased. Your neck ached from falling asleep on the stiff common room sofa and your arm had fallen asleep from holding Draco.

"I brought down your robes." He yawned passing your house robe with emerald green trim.

You gave him a gracious smile and slid the robe over your already worn in clothes. Draco uttered the spell multicorfors and his wrinkled up suit changed into a fresh knit jumper and slacks. He reached out a hand and gave a tiny grin waiting for you to grab it. Enclasping your hand in his you looked around waiting to see some first years hurrying to get to class, but no one was out.

"Where is everyone?" You cocked a brow turning your head to scan the room.

"They all went to breakfast already." Draco shrugged. You turned toward him a bit shocked that he didn't want to wake you before the others came downstairs.

"I know you don't get much sleep back at the Manor... And I don't know you just looked so peaceful." His voice trailed off a bit.

Although you appreciated the affectionate tone, you knew what he was trying to say. What he meant was; I haven't slept in three months, that was the first time in so long i felt safe and secure, I didn't want to leave and go back to reality yet. After being friends your whole lives you slowly learned to read between the lines of what Draco said. He would very rarely express his feelings directly, there was always an excuse or a reason to why he did something. After years of his father teaching him that he was not allowed to have his own opinions, and that the only real happiness is from power and wealth, it wasn't really a surprise he had a hard time expressing himself.

"I'm glad you let me sleep in for a bit, thank you."

The two of you stumbled out of the common room and stepped down the large hallway to try and get to potions on time. You passed some of the Gryffindor girls chattering along the ledges, all touchy and grinning with each other. Pansy and Daphne were your closet friends, but it was unsettling that the one thing you all had in common was your parents bloodlust and a set plan in life to serve The Dark Lord. Draco pulled you aside and pointed at the shortest of the girls with dark hair and a very large grin, Katie Bell. She was kind and a great quidditch player, although you took pride in knowing you were once able to knock her off the broom she rode in fourth year. However you didn't understand why Draco was so focused on her.

"You've got a crush Malfoy? Cause if you do I don't mind getting with one of the Weasleys." You teased waiting for his short tempered response.

But Draco didn't react, instead he stayed silent intently focused on Katie from afar.

"Dumbledore trusts all the Gryffindors, and Katie is so unsuspecting." Draco spoke rubbing the nape of his neck.

"You want to bring Katie Bell in to this?" You stammered, a bit concerned with the idea of bringing fellow students in to your endeavors.

Draco didn't respond instead he grabbed your arm and pulled you around the corner. You leaned against the cool stone wall and examined his body language. He was sweating a bit and although he was already pale his face was turning a ghostly white.

"Draco." You whispered waiting for him to turn toward you.

The silence bit back at you making you uneasy. You thought that maybe after yesterday's success and a night of good rest that he would maybe feel a bit more like himself. You even hoped that you would feel a bit less anxious. But you could tell by the way your stomach churned and the way Draco was quickly crumbling that there would never be an escape to this fear.

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