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The night engulfed the city, cool air rushed past your face as your gripped your broom tight. Snape and some of the other Death Eaters planned on apparating, so that when they attacked they could swiftly strike in mid air and then disappear. You and Draco didn't have that luxury, Voldemort ordered that you both stayed on brooms, he hoped that Harry Potter seeing either of your faces would be a good enough distraction. You knew he was wrong, Harry Potter wouldn't even turn his head, and if he did you believed that it would be to strike you off your broom. Things had changed, and Harry Potter was no longer your friend, he was now your foe. Or at least that's what you told yourself, but the burning in your chest proved that the feelings of hatred you were forcing yourself to have were completely fake and unjust.
"We're almost there!" You heard a husky mans voice shout out in the distance...Hagrid.
Draco, who truly was an amazing flyer, slipped in front of you as an early act of protection. And you felt your heart race as you slowly started to make out the shape of the motorcycle and side car up ahead. Closer, you could make out the mess of dark hair that was blowing in the wind. Even closer, you could now see Harry sitting in the side-car with Hedwig flying nearby. Almost there, you could practically see his entire upper half as he sat clinging on to the handle bars.
"Confringo!" You shouted at the pair, hoping that the blast would explode a tire and send them sailing down. Suddenly an eruption of screams and black some occurred, as Death Eaters and the members of the Order fought. Harry ducked down, and Hagrid serpentined trying to make sure he nor Harry could get hit, and in front of them you saw a large winged Thestrial swoop down avoiding a spell casted by Bellatrix before she disapparated once more.

The intensity of the moment made your heart pound and the hair on your neck stand as the loud sounds of spells escaping wands, and cries from the mouths of adrenaline filled people rang in your ears. A flash of white blond hair went by, and you watched as Draco whizzed past you on his broom as if he was trying to chase down the snitch. And suddenly, this was no longer an attack, it was a quidditch game. The unsettling feeling in your chest vanished and was left with a thirst for victory, as the crowd cheered and the stadium lights flickered. You watched as your teammates, who didn't even need brooms, started to reach a stalemate. And you leaned down on your broom hoping to gain speed and help those speedy black figures that fell in and out of the sky on sync, but it was no use. And just when you believed hope to be lost, your team captain appeared, with his pale face, and long bony fingers.
Yes! You thought as you watched a flash of green light battle against the opposing teams red beam, causing sparks to fly over head in to the dark night.
"Emily!" You heard your Seeker call out. "We've got to go!"
Go? No we're gonna loose! You screamed but it only echoed across the corners of your mind. You saw the green light slowly fade, and your team mates started to disappear from the night in defeat. However, you couldn't go without one last shot at victory, even a chance to bring your score up a bit was good enough to you. So when you saw a flash of red hair, you grinned and flew as fast as you could before shouting.

A loud shriek and cries from a father suddenly brought you back from your fantasy, as you watched George Weasley and his father whip past you. The excitement vanished and you quickly realized what you had done.
"Back to the Manor! Both of you!" You heard a voice yell before disappearing in to the city lights down below. Draco floated next to you, his broom has a lengthy crack, but it was his face that caught your eye. His cheek was throughly burned, and his eyes still seemed haunted from recent events.
"Follow me down, it'll be easier to apparate than to fly home." He spoke clearly in the thin air.
You didn't verbally respond, you just slowly followed him down a bit toward the city and then landed your feet on the damp pavement near an alley way. Draco was too shocked to be disgusted by the Muggle city he was in, and he seemed much too focused on you. It wouldn't matter if you were here, or at the Manor, or in bloody Edinburg, you would feel completely and utterly ill no matter where you were.
George Weasley.
Just a flick of your wand...And you were excited about it...You felt pride just for a moment went you hit him.
"Don't fucking talk. Don't...I- I... FUCK!" You yelled out kicking a rubbish bin next you as hard as you could. Draco stood back as he watched you run back over to the trash can and start kicking it again. The feeling of excitement you had when you watched as the Death Eaters tried to murder those people who you once called your friends, you rooted them on as they destroyed people's last hope of a pure and happy world. You imagined the silver bin to be your body, and you felt some content watching as you bloodied your imaginary self to a pulp. It was your way of retribution, since no one would ever reprimand you for killing a "Blood Traitor" you had to do it yourself, and slamming your foot against "Yourself" was as good as you could get.
You were a monster. No...you were a Death Eater, but then again what was the difference? You slammed your foot so hard against the bin that you swore one of your toes had to broke inside your loafers
"Bloody hell stop it!" Draco exhaled grabbing your arms and pulling you away from the bin.
"I hate it!" You cried out as he dragged you away and deeper in to the alley. " I hate this war, I hate The Dark Lord, I hate your family and I hate y—"
Draco's eyes caught yours, and you bit your tongue...You never hated him, not once during any of this.

"I-I didn't mean that. I mean fuck I didn't even get the word out of my mouth." You said slinking down the brick wall and on to the dirty pavement. Draco crouched down next to you and let out a prolonged sigh, his hand rested on top of your knee.
"This is gonna eat us alive isn't it?" He whispered.
"I won't let it." You responded quickly wanting to chase that thought out of his head.
Draco let out a breathy laugh and then winced from the movement of his skin irritating his burn.
"Says the girl who just tried to beat a silver rubbish bin to a pulp." Draco said turning toward you and grinning with half his face. You smiled back and shook your head, placing your hands on his shoulders and lifting yourself from the ground.
"Shall we go home?" He said sarcastically.
"We both know that the Manor isn't home."
Draco's sarcastic smile faded, and he looked at you as best as he could despite the swollen burn on his cheek.
"When ever I'm with you, I'm home."

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