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The feeling of Narcissa's cold hands against your face startled you a bit, and made you quickly rise out of your bed. You barely had fallen asleep before she woke you back up, and in different circumstances you would be quite annoyed since getting any rest was a rare circumstance for you, however Narcissa displayed an expression of urgency that made you forget your annoyance. She waited for you to wipe the sleep from your eyes before she cleared her throat and started to talk.
"Your wand." She said barely above a whisper. "It's not working because of this choice you have made. It will take time for it to realize that this is where you belong...it still thinks you are affiliated with the lighter side of yourself."
You didn't say a word, maybe it was you were still half asleep that you found yourself unable to answer. Narcissa wasn't finished however, she crouched down closer to you, and after a moment of starring at you she pulled you close to her in a tight hug. She was starting to cry a bit, her soft whimper sent chills down your spine.
"Thank you, for taking care of him," She croaked while holding on to you. "You two are just children it's so—so unfair."
"Ill always be there for him." You whispered back, slowly melting in to her hug, you missed this sort of motherly affections.

The sun was rising slowly and filled up your room with light sunspots that danced over old antiques, and made the dust settling on your dresser shine. You knew the Dark Lord would arrive any moment now, and that soon everything you had once been afraid of, would soon begin. Narcissa gave you one last squeeze before pulling away from the hug, she then firmly placed her hands on your shoulders as if she was Pucey trying to get you riled up before a Quidditch match. Her once crystal clear eyes were now tired and worn, she looked at you with a solemn expression and then cleared her throat once more.
"The Dark Lord likes you, Bellatrix—" Narcissa took a pause as she was becoming very flustered. "My sister is very found of you as well, and has told him of your skill."
Your stomach felt a bit uneasy, Narcissa said these words with such assurance that you almost felt like she knew something you didn't. The fact The Dark Lord had already heard of you before ever really coming face to face with him was unsettling.
"There is no doubt he will turn to you, that mark on your forearm only seals the deal. And I'm afraid there isn't much I can do to stop that."
"And Draco? What about Draco?" You asked, watching as she pursed her lips.
"The Dark Lord will make his life much harder, Lucius is indeed to blame for that," She paused for a moment and took her hands from your shoulders.
"However I believe that Draco is safe as long as you are safe. Something tells me you to will be connected." She said plainly, as if she knew this to be true.
You nodded your head, the sun was now fully illuminating both of your faces and in the light Narcissa looked much older than she had when you left. Sure she still looked beautiful, with porcelain skin and long black and white hair, however her eyes were coated from tears and her mouth now was always in some sort of a frown, she looked as if she was always biting back tears. The one person who loved Draco as much as you was Narcissa, and you knew she too must be suffering through all of this.
"He will be arriving soon, go get dressed now dear. I'll wake Draco." And with that Narcissa placed your wand back down on the nightstand and left your room.

You took in a deep breath. Trying to somehow regain your energy and find some calmness before having to come downstairs. Slipping on the black gown you looked in the mirror, the girl starring back looked much older now, and quite threatening with an emotionless face and cloaked in black fabric, Bellatrix would be pleased.
"Are you decent?" Draco called from the door.
"Come in." You tried to say as calm as possible, however your voice still cracked.
Draco was dressed in a similar black suit, he held a small black box in his right hand.
"Your proposing again I see?" You tried to crack a joke, forcing a light smile upon your face.
"No, however they are rings." He said taking a seat on your bed and opening two identical rings, one with an M and one with your initial. They looked like the one he had given you before, with heavy set silver and engraved neatly in the middle.
"They're connector rings. My mother gave them to me this morning, she told me to make sure to give one to you before the meeting." Draco said, slipping the silver ring over your finger.
"Sort of like maps I guess? They glow red when one of us in danger, blue when we are close to each other, green when we're both safe," Draco took a pause as he slipped the other ring on, "And they disappear if one of us dies."
So this is what Narcissa meant when she said you two would be connected? A good idea on her part, now no matter what you both knew how to get to each other, and if you two were alright. The middle engraving flashed blue, and then green, and then returned to its normal state.
"Does it do one for bloody terrified?" You grinned, examining the ring.

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