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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.

"I'm ready to go back now, I hope that you're still waiting for me, like how I waited for the dragon to call me again".


Later that night, war is about to go to his bed when he heard a bird noise. War frowned in confusion and curiosity, War sat on his bed and listen to the noise carefully.

"What is that?", war asked to himself as he listens to the noise, his eyes shifted to his study table and his eyes widens when he noticed that all of the remaining scales is now shining in bright white.

"Are you calling for me now?", war muttered to himself as he grabs the scales and hug them tight with a smile on his face.

A gust of wind caressed wars skin, war look around his room and found out that all of his windows are closed. War observed his room carefully and he saw the gust of wind.

"I'm ready to go back, lead me the way will you?!", war muttered softly to the wind. The wind starts to dance as it moves going out from war room, war looks at his drawer and he get a piece of paper fromt inside of it.

"I'm sorry mom and dad, but the other world needs me I promise I will be back safe and sound, I love you", war muttered and he put the paper on the table, war took a deep breath and he left his room.

The wind guide war back to the old park neared his house, he smiled when he saw the little dragon was already waiting for him, the said dragon was flying above the big rock. The dragon looks at war and he finally stand up in front of the dragon.

"The dragons are now ready to finally meet their chokyoshi, I'm giving you the permission to go back now, be safe dragon chokyoshi", the little dragon exclaimed to war.

"Thank you!", war replied back with a smile.

War closed his eyes when a rainbow light appears below him, he tightly holds the scales on his chest as he thought of a wish.

"I'm going back now vee", war thought to himself and he felt his body starts to float and transferred to a new place.

"Ahhhhh!!!!!!", war screamed when he opens his eyes and found himself falling from the sky.

War closed his eyes and prepare himself for the impact but nothing come to him instead a gust of wind catch him and slowly lowered him to the ground.

"What are you doing up in the sky?", a feminine voice asked war, he looks to his right and saw a girl with s straight long hair, who's wearing some chinese dress.

"Did you control this wind?", war asked to the girl who frowned in confusion, the girl nervously laughed and look at war.

"Are you out of your mind, I didn't control that wind, you just fall from the sky, you're quite shock by your fall", the girl replied to war, war smiled as he stood up and dusted his pants.

"No, I know that you control that wind, if not then I'm already dead right now", war exclaimed to the girl, war glimpse to the scales on his hand he saw one of them shining in silver white.

"I'm going now, I don't want to talk to you anymore, I need to go somewhere bye be careful next time", the girl said and turn around.

"Graceful and holy gale of the heavenly sky, heed my call and lift the seal that caged you, purest wind of the heavens, I the dragon chokyoshi calls your name...........yihwa!!!!!", war said, the girl eyes widens when a silver wind surrounds her, the girl changed into a white female dragon, after that the dragon turns back to the girl.

"See I've told you, you're the one who controlled the wind earlier", war exclaimed in happiness, the girl brows knotted.

"Who are you?", the girl asked straightforwardly to war.

"Tell me your name first, and I will tell you mine", war replied back, the girl gritted her teeth in irritation.

"You don't have any right to disrespect me, I'm a dragon power keeper, you human!!!!", the girl screamed in anger as the wind starts to attack war but a wall of fire blocks the wind.

"W...h....at!!", the girl muttered in so much shocked. The fire dissappears and war looks straight to the girl.

"Tell me your name and I will tell you my name", war exclaimed once again with a smile on his face.

"I'm Ormsin, the wind dragon power keeper and now who are you?", the girl replied to war, war nodded to this.

"I'm war, the dragon chokyoshi and I'm sure that this scale belongs to you yihwa", war stated as he lifted the silver white scales.

"Yes that's mine, keep that if you really are the chokyoshi that scale belong to you, what are you doing here, the castle announced your dissapearance two years ago", ormsin said to war who's eyes widens in shocked to the thing thay he knew.

"What its been two years here in your world but I just stay for one day in my own world!!!", war exclaimed in so much shocked.

"Maybe your time was different from here, the whole castle looks for you when they knew that you're gone but they couldn't find you anywhere", ormsin added to war.

"So can I know the way to the castle?", war asked ormsin.

"Its quite far from here but you're lucky because I'm also going to thay place to meet with the king, you can go with me", ormsin announced to war with a smile.

"Really?!!!!, thank you so much yihwa!!!!!", war exclaimed and jumped in happiness. Ormsin muffled a laugh as she watch war.

"If you're the real chokyoshi, I hope that you really bring peace and happiness into this world", ormsin thought while watching war.

The two starts to walk through the main district where the castle is located. War happily walk with so much happiness in his heart. Finally after two year he can now see yin again.



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