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Notes: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.


"Gulf where are you!!?", war yelled for his friend but despite of how many yells that he shouted gulf is nowhere to be found. War thinks carefully and abruptly shifted his gaze to the forest in front of him.

"That fucking guy, he kidnapped my friend, I will catch you, you kidnapper!!!", war scream as he run into the forest after some minutes he finally saw the guy that save them earlier. War suddenly pulled the guys clothes, the guy look at him with irritation.

"Wh....at, hey are you a lunatic, why did you pull my clothes like that?!!", the guy yelled in irritation to war, whose just rolled his eyes while his arms crossed on his chest.

"Where's my friend?, you kidnapper!!!", war asked firmly to the stranger in front of him. The guy eyed him in total confusion.

"Are you out of your mind, did you see any guy beside me, or are you really blind?", the guy mockingly replied to war.

"Then where's my friend, he suddenly dissappears when he run after you?", war exclaimed worriedly to the guy in front of him, panic is starting to raise in his heart.

"I don't know, no one chased me after I left the two of you there", the guy replied back.

"Fine, then I will find him by myself, by the way thank you for saving us earlier, goodbye", war exclaimed as he turn around and about to walk again, when a hand holds his arm stopping him, war look back at the guy.

"And where do you think you're going, this place are so dangerous, do you want another persons like earlier to find you and try to sell you?", the guy exclaimed to war but war ignored him as he untangles his arms from the guy.

"I don't care, I need to find my friend he can't just vanished like that, I'm sure that someone kidnap him or whatsoever, so mister if you're not helping then let me go!", war announced in a firm voice, the guy mess his hair in frustration.

"Fine I will help you, it will be my fault if something happens to you will you're walking like a lord or a prince around here", the guy exclaimed back to war who grinned and smiled widely.

"Thank you so much, you're not bad as I thought by the way what's your name, I'm war nice to meet you", war happily introduced himself to the guy in front of him, he also lifted his hand for a handshake.

"I'm yin, come on let's go, the capitol is not far from here, maybe your friend was there", yin said without accepting wars handshakes, yin walks passed war and continued his walking while war was left dumbled.

"That yin, he just ignored my handshakes ha, such a bastard when I found gulf I will definitely leave you, you self centered bastard", war whispered in a pissed tone.

"Don't cursed me you lunatic, I can hear you no matter how low your voice is!!!", yin announced that makes war eyes widens. He turned around to chased yin.

"How can you hear me, I just whispered those words to myself, and you're far from me so how did you heard it?", war asked in curiosity while yin eyed him with his brows knotted.

"Are you kidding me war, is this the first time that you encountered a dragon?, or are you just a naive human?", yin mockingly asked war who suddenly stopped walking, yin look back and watched war, after a minute war laugh.

"Hahahaha, are you kidding me yin, dragons I don't see any dragons here, its just you and me, no dragons, are you the one who's crazy or what?", war exclaimed with a grinned on his face, yin smacked war into the forehead.

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