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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.


War open his eyes when he heard voices talking beside him.

"Why doesn't we felt anything earlier?, They're in danger!!!!", War brows knotted in in surprised when he heard his prince loud and frustrated voice.

"I'm also in shocked when prom and I saw them in the forest, we're all sleeping peacefully and didn't hear any noise, this feels like we're a disappointment as his dragons", ormsin added in a sad tone, war felt a hand caressing his hand.

"Who's that fucking someone who had that nerve to hurt our chokyoshi!!!!", Prom muttered in anger. This time war decided to open his eyes, he was welcome by prince yin said expression.

"Why are you look like you've lost someone vee, I'm still alive", war said in a husky and tired tone, prom, yin and ormsin all grab his arms and hands while they released a sigh of relief.

"How are you, what happened last night?!!", Prince yin exclaimed to his maiden, while prom and ormsin help war to sat up, war flinch in pain when he move his neck.

"Are you alright?", Prom asked in worry.

"I'm fine don't worry, what about bar, is he alright?", War asked to his dragons, the three dragon turn around and war find his gaeia dragon still sleeping with dried tears on his cheeks.

"War what happened to the both of you?, We found you two unconscious inside the forest but we didn't felt any disturbance earlier?", Prince yin asked to his maiden, war lowered his head while trying to remember what happened last night.

"I.......I wake when I heard bars voice, .....then I went outside the tent and found him with his lover, but I got confused by the way his lover was holding bar, he looks like in pain, that's why I followed them inside the forest,..........hmmm we met a woman inside wearing gothic dress and evil smile, she said that he have bar lover in control and she also said that bar lover was my Metallica dragon", war stated to his dragons, those information makes the eyes widens in shock.

"A woman in gothic dress?", Ormsin asked again, war nod his head in confusion.

"Yes, why do you know her?", War muttered in confusion, the three dragons looks at each other before fixing their eyes to their maiden.

"She's the black witch that you need to defeat our maiden", prom answers war question.

"Is she?, She also told me to find my two remaining dragon and find her to retrieve my Metallica dragon, and she also said to me that I'm the last remaining maiden, what does she meant by that?", War added in confusion. He lifted his gaze to his flame dragon when he felt yin squeezed his hands.

"You're the last maiden, this continent was divided to four the land of dragons, the land of elves, wolf and vampires, those four continent had their own maiden", prom narrated to war.

"But what happened to the other maiden, why did she told me that I'm the last maiden?", War added to his friends.

"War the other three maiden failed to do their destiny, the black witch used their own ward against them, the three maiden got transferred back to their world in broken pieces, all of their emotions shattered", ormsin informed her maiden, she faintly smile and holds his maidens hands.

"They betrayed their maiden!!!?", War exclaimed in surprise and disbelief. He can't imagine the pain and sorrow of the other maidens when their trusted one's betrayed them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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