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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.

"Anger can ignite that fire within, the fire that can damage and kill someone, but it also can give heat and life to someone that needed it the most".


The king and the prince look amused to war while he eats happily, they are currently at the palace dining area eating their breakfast. War lifted his head when he noticed that someone are watching him, I found the king and the prince looking at him with adoration.

"What's wrong?", war asked the two with his mouth still full of foods. Yin frowned at him and mouthed some words.

"Chew your food first", yin mouthed to war who immediately swallowed the food and bowed to the king in respect.

"I'm sorry my king, I'm just hungry that's why I forgot that I'm with the king", war exclaimed with a nervous laugh. The king and yin smiled to war.

"You look content with the food our maiden, I find you so amusing while eating like that, can you tell me your life at the other world?", the king asked the maiden, war straighten up himself and put a finger on his lips to think something.

"Hmmm my life to the other world, let's just say I have a very loving family and a thoughtful friend, if you're asking me if I missed them, I can say that yes I really missed them", war stated with a sad smile on his face.

"War?", yin muttered in worry, war look at him and hurriedly shakes his head.

"No don't get me wrong vee, I missed them but I also want to do my obligations here in your world, I'm not that kind of person that leaves my responsibility alone, don't worry I will be here until we defeat the black witch", war explained to the prince and with that yin smiled happily.

"I'm glad to that, thank you", yin replied with a smile while the king just eyed the two.

"By the way war how come that you know yin's dragon name did he told you about that?", the king asked war with curiosity on his eyes. War look back at the king and to yin.

"Ahmmm about that I also have no idea why I know that name but I felt that it's really suits yin, so I decided to called him that, is it forbidden to do?", war questioned back to the king, and the king just smiled at him.

"No our maiden its not forbidden, you have every right to call him to that name, you're his chokyoshi after all, so you don't need to worry anymore", the king announced to war and he nods.

"Forget about that now war, let's eat for now", the prince exlcaimed and the three go back to eating. They happily eats the breakfast.

################################# WAR POV

After the breakfast, I went straight to the castles back garden. My eyes widens in awed to the beautiful flowers and green trees. I run to the fountain in the middles and cupped some cold water, I smiled happily due to the peaceful atmosphere.

"So happy and peaceful", I whispered to myself, I sat down on the green grass and eyed to swaying trees and leaves.

"But where's my friend?, it's been days but I still can't find him, whoever got him, I will find those people and let them pay!!!!", I exclaimed in pure hate and anger while my hands formed into a fist, my eyes widens in fear when the tree in front of me suddenly flamed up, I stood up and holds my chest in fear.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!", I screamed in fear and all of the servants and soldier that heard my scream came to me and they also become horrified to what they saw.

"Water, bring water hurry!!!!!!!", the guards exclaimed in command, all of the servants hurriedly get a water from the fountain but that's not enough to kill the fire.

"Calm down", someone whispered to my ear, when I shift my head to the right I saw yin holding me.

"Vee", I muttered in fear as the tears starts to fall from my eyes. Yin smiled at me.

"Calm yourself war, close your eyes and think that the fire are now slowly died down, do it my chokyoshi", I nodded to and do what he said, after five minutes I opens my eyes and the fire are no longer there.

"What's happened?", I asked in confusion, I also saw the others look at the tree in disbelief.

"You already lift up my seal war, as the dragon chokyoshi you and the dragons have a share of magic, so basically you can use the power of the dragon seal that you lifted", yin explained to me, I shifted my look on my hands and I found them glowing in red.

"Anger.......and fury that feelings ignite this power from me", I muttered when I realized everything.

"Yes, blazing fire are made of anger and determination, looks like you will also need to train your new ability from now on", yin explained to me and I sighed in relief.

"Looks like you'll be the one who will train me", I smile and look straight at yin who smiled back to me while messing my hair.

"Yes, my maiden, I will be your teacher", he announced to me. I hope that I can control his fire.

"What about those trees, I'm sorry if I burned them?", I apologized to yin who just shake his head.

"Don't worry about that tree war, they can grow back again when the years pass by, I'm glad that you're safe and sound, you quite scream so loud like a girl", I immediately elbowed him on his side, he flinched to that and holds his side.

"I'm just afraid, that fire suddenly ignite and burn those trees, that's why I scream like that", I crossed my hands on my chest as I explained my side to yin.

"Yes I know that I'm just teasing you war, don't be mad, after some practuce you can control the fire and use it as your protection", yin exclaimed to me, I nodded to him and we both gaze on the burnt tree not far from us.



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