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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.


"Wowwww, this place is really beautiful", war exclaimed in glee as he eyed the tall trees along their way. The tall leafy trees shades them from the suns heat.

"Be careful war, if you turn around like that you will fall", yin said to his maiden while he's trying to steady the horse walk.

"Let him be prince yin, war really loves the scenery in front of him, don't be a killjoy", prom suddenly commented that makes the other three looks at him.

"What did I say something bad?", prom innocently muttered with a smirk on his face.

"Prom......stop", ormsin warn her friend, cause she's starting to sense prince yin irritation.

"What?, I'm just saying what I'm observing, let our chokyoshi do what he wants, he's just expressing his fondness to our world, right war?", prom exclaimed to war with a bright smile on his face, war unconciously grip yins shirt for support.

"Hmmm, yes but it's alright if vee said those words, it's for my safety afterall, thank you prom", war replied to prom in a bit low voice, after that he sat on the horse in a confortable way, he also leaned his head on yins chest.

"I'm going to sleep for the meantime, wake me up when we're nearing our destination", war whispered to the prince who nodded his head. Yin makes sure that his maiden was peacefully sleeping before he look back at prom in such a serious face.

"What are your problem prom?", yin questioned his co dragon keeper. Prom just ignored him and he passed yin and ormsin, he makes his way in front of them.

"I'm sorry my prince for his attitude!", ormsin immediately apologize to their prince, but yin shakes his head.

"You don't need to apologize ormsin, you're not doing anything wrong, but can you tell me what's happening to prom?", prince yin asled the sky dragon keeper in such confused tone.

"I must keep quiet about that matter my prince, I'm sorry if I can't say something more, but if he became unbearable I'm going to stop him, but for now please understand him my prince", ormsin muttered in a low yet calm voice, yin observed ormsin, after some minutes yin finally nodded his head.

"Alright if you say so ormsin, I also don't want war to be worried to us, but if he became excessive to his attitude, I'm sorry but I might need to straight him up again, I don't want someone like that in my group", prince yin exclaimed in a serious tone, full of authority and tough.

"Thank you my prince, you can count on me in this one", ormsin replied as she bowed her head, yin nodded and they decided to follow prom.

Unknown to them, war heard everything he just keeps his mouth shut, but in his head too many thoughts are starting to invade his head. He's not dumb to not guess why one of his dragons are like this and he wants to fix everything.

"Fix it before it's too late", the great dragon exclaimef inside wars mind.

"I will", war thought to himself. He needs to fix everything before he lost one of his dragon.


It's already dark, the group decided to stop and sleep on the woods, yin and ormsin are currently making a tent, while prom is just standing on a corner. War watch his water dragon and he slowly approach him.

"Nuea can we talk?", war asked to the dragon, prom look back at war with his brows raised.

"About what?", prom replied back in confusion, war sighed and he pulled the water dragon in a bit far from yin and ormsin.

"What's really happening to you nuea, why are you always angry to vee, he doesn't do anything bad to you?", war asked to prom, who just sat down on a fallen tree trunk, he eyed war in such a displeased look.

"So you are protecting him now?, why it was always him?", prom asked back to war. The maiden look straight to neua.

"I just don't want you fighting to any of the other dragon keeper, I need all of you in this mission and seeing you fight with the others are really not a good sight, so please stop this nuea", war almost beg to his dragon.

"Then choose me, choose me instead on yin, I'm more worth it than-------",

"I'm sorry but I can't do that, I'm only lying to myself if I will choose you instead on vee, I knew that you know that I had feelings for vee", war interrupt proms sentence, prom hands turns into a fist to what he heard.

"Why war?, why I also love you, so please choose me instead!!!", prom exclaimed as he holds wars shoulder tightly.

"Let me go nuea, you're hurting me!!!", war exclaimed back as he winced in pain, but nuea gripped him more tightly.

"No!!!!, war look into my eyes!", prom muttered in such a soothing voice, war lifted his head to be welcomed by proms hypnotizing eyes.

"No.....stop!", war muttered in fear, his eyes starts to water, he's trying to break his eye contact from prom eyes but it's futile, he's slowly feels himself being pulled by proms eyes.

"Kiss me my maiden", prom commanded with a smirk, wars body are now trembling as he really tried to stop his own body from following proms command. His head slowly move closer to proms face, the tears falls from his eyes, their lips almost touch when a white light surrounds war and that light makes prom thrown into a nearby tree, he collides hard on the tree and became unconcious.

The light lowered the now unconcious dragon maiden on the ground. The great dragon appears with it's fiercing red eyes looking straight to proms unconcious figure.

"Try to advance once again to my chosen maiden, you will definitely regret it", the dragon muttered in fury, after that he once again entered war body. A white wings emerged from wars back and slowly wrapped around him, rope of flames surrounds wars body, the two elements are protecting it's maiden.


"War the tent is ready you can go inside now", yin exlaimed in happiness as he turn around to his maiden, but to his suprised his maiden are nowhere to find.

"Ormsin where's war?", prince yin asked to the sky dragon keeper, ormsin also roamed her eyes around the area but she can't see war or even prom.

"And also prom, they're not here", ormsin added.

"That bastard!!!", prince yin suddenly yells, as he remove his cuff, ormsin saw a glowing tattoo on the prince wrist.

"That's the maiden, mate bond tattoo", ormsin exclaimed in shock, she didn't expected that their maiden already accepted yin as his mate.

"They're at the forest let's go ormsin!!!", yin exclaimed once again and they dash inside the forest.



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