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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.


"Vee, look I'm flying!!!", war exclaimed in glee, as he fly across the garden, the white wings behind him flaps beautifully.

Yin was just watching happily from the ground, he looks so proud to his chokyoshi, he was really happy to be with war again, he long for that naughty and cheerful boy for almost two years. He really missed the only one who's see him as himself not the prince of this kingdom, the one who's not afraid of his fire.

"Do you like him?", a sudden question was heard, when the prince looks behind him, he saw the sky dragon keeper, ormsin walks and stop beside him while she's looking at war who's still flying happily above.

"What are you talking about?", yin replied to the girl, but ormsin just chuckles to the prince.

"My prince, even if you hide it, I can clearly see that you had some feelings for him, how can you wait for him for two years if you don't have any feelings for him", ormsin exclaimed to the prince who faintly smiled.

"Vee, catch me!!!!", a sudden scream makes the two look up, they saw war falking from not a high place, yin immediately catch war into his arms.

"Are you out of your mind war, why did you do that?!!!", yin yells in so much worry, his heart is pounding due to shock and worry for the boy on his arms.

"Haha, don't worry vee, you did catch me, so thank you, haha my wings suddenly dissappears without me knowing, maybe because I lost my concentration, by the way good catch!!!", war happily said to the prince, as he tap yins shoulders happily, after that the chokyoshi jump out from yins arms.

The chokyoshi happily enters the castle, while yin and ormsin just watch him, yin had a sweet smile on his face, while ormsin shakes her head when she noticed yins smile. Before she left the garden, she tap yins shoulder.

"Say your feelings to him my prince, before it's too late, it's better to lose him due to rejection than losing him to someone", ormsin exclaimed to the prince, yin look back to the lady with his confuse eyes.

"What are you talking about?", yin asked the lady but ormsin just smile to her, after that the wind dragon keeper also enters the castle leaving yin confuse.

"What does she mean?", the prince whispered to himself.


After lunch the king called vee, yihwa and l here on the throne room, I nervously stand up in the middle of vee and yihwa, I'm so clueless on he motives of the king, I lowers my head when I saw him looking at me.

"Haha, don't be afraid war, I'm not doing anything to you", I sighed in relief when I heard him say those words, I hold my chest and take a deep breath to calm my wrecking nerves.

"Thanks the heaven, I thought that I will die in nervousness, hmm so my king why did you call us here?", I bravely asked the king, yihwa elbowed me on my side.

"What?!!!", I whispered to the girl beside me. I saw here narrowed her eyes to me.

"Don't be like that war, be polite, that's the king remember!", yihwa whispered back to me, I just rolled my eyes to her.

"Haha, same attitude war, the same attitude, one of these days someone will surely pull out your eyeballs due to irritation", vee suddenly commented when he noticed my attitude to yihwa, and with that the king laugh happily to the three of us.

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