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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.


When we enters the forest, I can sensed wars presence in it, my brows frown when I sensed something weird, his presence it's in fear.

"My prince, I can sense them here", ormsin informed I nodded to her, and we both run deep into the forest.

"Prince yin look!!!!", I suddenly stop when ormsin yell, when I gaze where her finger points, my eyes widens when I found war lying on the grass, while nuea is on the nearby tree also unconcious.

"War!!!", I screamed in worry, I dashed to his side to be stop by the two elements wrapping around him now.

"They won't let me touch war, what's happening here ormsin, even my fire is blocking me!!!", I exclaimed in panic. When I look to her side I saw prom now regaining his conciousness, I immediately grabbed his collar in madness.

"What the hell did you do to war?!!!!!", I asked in fury, I saw his expression became afraid.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry to what I did, please don't hurt me", prom cried to me, I can clearly see that he's afraid.

"What did you do prom, answer me now, why war is unconcious!!!!", I exclaimed to my co dragon keeper, prom peeked on my shoulder and he saw war unconcious body, a white wings envelops him along with threads of fire.

"I compelled him, I really like war and I.....tried to ---------ahhhhh", prom was cut off when I suddenly smacked him into the face.

"You fucking pervert!!!!.....the great dragon already told us not to advance to our maiden!!!", I yelled angrily to prom.

"And then why did he choose you, why are you so close to him, he's just our maiden and nothing more, but why did the great dragon permitting you to do everything to war!!!", prom angrily screamed back to me.

"He's the destined mate of our maiden prom, I already told you that, your father also knew that part on the prophecy, that's the reason why the great dragon is permitting prince yin to do what he wants to our maiden", I heard ormsin explained to prom, I also knew that part of prophecy, the holder of the fire dragon power was the destined mate of the dragon maiden.

"Why do it need to be you!!!, I can love him, I can take care of him-----",

"He knew me first, I'm the one who knew him first, and you will never replace me into his life, I will tell this to you one more time prom, If you ever hurt him again, I'm going to fucking kill you!!!", I firmly stated to prom, after that I walk back to wars side, the white wings and the flame thread still wrapped around him.

"Let me pass, I won't do anything to the maiden", I muttered as I starts to remove my cuff, when the tattoo shines, I sighed in relief when the wings starts to uncoil and the flame starts to dissappears.

"War!!!", I called to him when the wings and flame disappears, I saw his eyes starts to flutter.

"Vee?, what happened?, what I'm doing here?", ormsin and I look at each other and finally to war.

"Do you remember something?", ormsin asked our maiden, that question made war frown in confusion.

"What do you mean yihwa?, we're on the camp, I'm watching the two of you preparing our tents, that's the only thing that I remembers, did something happens?", war asked to us in curiosity, I shake my head while helping him to stand up.

"Nothing, are you feeling alright?", I worriedly asked to war and he nodded happily to me, after that he gaze to prom and he suddenly hide behind my back.

"What's the matter war?", ormsin asked our maiden.

"I don't know why, but I suddenly felt scared to him, my body suddenly shakes in fear, I'm sorry vee, yihwa and nuae, I don't know what's happening to me", war explained to the three of us, my eyes shifted to where prom is, I saw him avoid my gaze, I unconciously fisted my hands.

"Come on war, let's go back to the camp", I said to war, he nods at me.


We all ride our horses, war is currently sitting in front of me, he's quite and had a far away look, I'm starting to be worried to him.

"War are you alright?", I whispered to war, and I saw him look at me and release a faint smile.

"Yes, I'm fine vee, I'm just really curious why I'm feeling afraid to nuae, I didn't remember any circumstances that I became angry to him?", war explained to me, I sighed cause I knew that the dragon maybe erased his memories of that time, and I won't take any risk in this situation.

"Don't think too much war, those feelings will dissappear on the right time, prom is one of your dragon don't have any doubt to him", I replied to my maiden, I don't want him to lose his trust to one of his dragon.

"I understand vee, I'm going to trust you in this one, maybe I'm just over reacting, thank you for clearing my mind vee, I promise I will be alright", war happily replied to me, I smiled back to him while caressing his back lovingly.

"By the way vee where are we now, this place is very pretty", war asked me in amusement.

"We're already on the gaia territory, the people that leaves here are living through their rice fields and different vegetables and fruits, this place also holds the most beautiful water and land bodies", I explained to my maiden with a smile.

"And war the people here can talk to any animals, that's their special ability, the dragon keeper of this land, can talk to animals and can also shifted into an animal form", ormsin added that makes war eyes shines brigthly.

"Really?!!!!, wow cool!!!", war exclaimed excitedly, ormsin and I chuckles to his cuteness, my eyes gaze to prom and I saw him watching the three of us talking.

"Yes, cool now stay on your place war or else you will slip from this horse, now sit up straight war",

"Alright boss!!!", war replied happily to me, after that we all went back to our journey.

After an hour, the group finally arrives in a small village in the middle of the forest. The village is a simple type, yet modern, the people there gets out from their houses and look at us.

"Who are you what are you doing in my village?!!!", an angry voice boomed, I found a middle age man looking angrily to my group, I sigh a I stop the horses.

"We didn't mean any harm, we're just here to find someone, I'm yin the prince of the dragon continent!!!!", I announced to them, they all kneel in front of me giving their respect.

"Who's you're looking for my prince", the village head asked me.

"We're looking for the earth dragon keeper,I knew that he's here", I informed to the village head, my eyes frown when I saw them looking at each other.

"What's he problem?", war asked in curiousity.

"I'm......sorry my prince......but the keeper that you're looking around.......is already not here anymore......", my eyes widens to his reply to me.

"Where is he?", war asked back in worry.

"That fool is no longer residing in our village he made a huge mistake!!!!", the village lord screamed in anger, suprising me and the others.

After that the people starts to disperse and totally ignored my team.

"Busted!", prom muttered. The four of us look at each other, we don't know what to do anymore.



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