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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.

"Seeing you again made my cold heart felt warmth again, the warm blood starts to pump again from the heart that I forgotten long, thank you for coming back",


I hurriedly left my fathers throne room and starts to go to where war usually go in this castle, he's really here the one who I look for so many years l, the one that my heart long for so long.

FLASHBACK (2 years ago)

"What do you mean that he's gone?!!!!", yin yelled to the guards when he and his father come back from visiting his mothers graved.

"I'm so sorry my prince but we heard a scream........ inside the guest room thirty minutes after you and .........the king left to visit your mothers grave, when we opened the door we found ........nothing inside only a broken....... vase and a tulip flower lying on the table", the guard nervously informed their prince, yin fisted his hands, he pushed the guard away and he starts to run and he went straight to wars room.

When he opens the room he saw everything that the guard said to him, he slowly enters the room, he kneel and grab the tulip flower, tears falls to the floor as his heart suddenly filled with sadness.

"Where did you go war?!!!!", yin screamed on the top of his lungs, his tears keeps falling from his eyes.

The door opens reveiling the king and the guards, the king kneel down beside his son, he rubs the back of war to calm him down.

"Yin stop that, we will find him!!", the king muttered softly to his son, but yin just shakes his head.

"No, father what if he also leaves me like how my mother leaves me, I starting to love him, but he suddenly dissappears!!!", yin cried once again, the king sighed to his son, he turned around and look behind him.

"Get all of our guards and soldiers, look around the kingdoms vicinity, find the chokyoshi now!!!!", the king announced to his soldiers who immediately follow the kings orders.

"You will not find him father!", yin suddenly exclaimed to his father, the king looks to his son in so much confusion.

"What do you mean son?", the king asked yin, yin looks to his father.

"He go back to his own world, this was the dust of the mighty dragon, the dragon retrieves him from me", yin exclaimed as he clutched the rainbow dust on his hands.

And yes, the princes words becames true, because after a year they can't still find the chokyoshi, the whole palace decided to stop the search because the king already told them what truly happened to the chokyoshi.


"Are you really here now war", I think to myself as I keep running to where war room is located, I excitedly opens the door.

My eyes watered in so much happiness, when I found a familiar figure sleeping peacefully on the bed, I slowly walk to the bed and sat down.

"War!", I whispered to myself when I saw his sleeping face, he didn't changed at all, he's still the same, I happily carress his hair.

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