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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.


"Where are we going now?", war asked in curiosity while he was sitting on one of the tree trunk, he's currently watching yin and prom putting their things to the horses.

"We're going to the next district war, we need to move forward now, we already find the water dragon keeper that's why we need to move to another district to find the others", yin explained to his maiden.

"But if you want to still stay in my house you can maiden, my father and I will gladly take care of you", prom suddenly muttered with a smirk on his lips.

"Thank you prom, but I also like to travel to another district, so yihwa whats the name of the district after the water district?", war asked to yihwa, he ignored proms invitation.

"We're going to the Gaeia district next war", yihwa answered to her maiden, war put his hand to his chin and think.

"Gaeia?, what district is that?", war asked in confusion, this time yin stop what he's doing and look to his maiden with a smile on his face.

"It's the district that was surrounded by trees and mountains, that place belongs to the dragon who had the ability to control the land", yin explained to his maiden, war happily nodded as he finally understand everything.

"Then let's go now!!!, I would like that place, the scenery there will be so beautiful, I'm so excited!!!", war announced in glee to his friends, prom, ormsin and yin all chuckles to their maidens cheerfulness.

"So you like some attractive things war, just like how I also like them, we have something in different", prom commented that makes yin look narrowed to prom.

"What did you say?", yin stated using a firm voice.

"What he's not yours yet, so I can still steal him", prom whispered to yins ear, yin fisted his hands to try to calm his nerves.

"You will never achieve what you want prom, he's mine to begin with", yin replied in such venom, after that yin walk away while holding wars hand. The two enters the castle to get their other things inside.

"Prom what did you say and prince yin looks furious?", ormsin asked her co dragon keeper, prom just smiled while his eyes still fixed to yin and wars retreating body.

"Looks like I start some war between yin and I, a war that can break all of us", prom muttered in a serious tone, after that he also enters the castle to say goodbye to his father.

"Are you really going to do what you're thinking prom, you're just going to make some trouble to yourself, he already got wars heart, he's the first one to own what you want now", ormsin muttered to herself, while here hands are rubbing the horses fur.


"Where are we going vee?", war asked while looking at their intertwined hands. Yin suddenly stop and war collides to yins back.

"Ouchhh, vee don't stop walking like that", war commented as he rubs his forehead. War shifted his gazs to yin, but the prince stay silent.

"Are you alright vee?", war asked worriedly, he's about to touch yins forehead when the prince pulled war into his arms and he hug his maiden tight.

"Vee?", war exclaimed in suprise.

"Just stay for a minute war, let's just stay like this, I want to feel you in my arms", yin sweetly whispered to his maiden, war leaned on yins shoulder and nodded.

"Alright, if this is what you want", war replied back as he hug yin back.

"Promise me war that you will never leave my side, you will never choose someone over me, please don't leave me", yin suddenly stated in a trembling voice, war rubs yins back.

"Haha, you're so childish vee, I never said that I will leave you alone, you found me when I need help, you made me comfortable to this world, and you guide and protect me all the time, that I'm here and with that I'm very thankful for you", war stated back to his yin.

"I will never leave your side nor choose the others more that you, you're my one and only fire dragon", war added, and it's really magical when a reddish aura surrounds the two, a fire tattoo with a white flower vines wrapped around it.

"What's this?", they both asked in unison as they look at their wrists.


"Father we will leave now", prom said to his father who nodded in pride.

"I'm so proud to you prom, do your best to protect our maiden, and I hope that you all will defeat the black witch", the water lord commanded to his only son, prom nodded and smile to his father.

"Don't worry father, I will do my best, see you soon, goodbye", prom politely said to his father, he also give his respect to the lord of the water district. Prom was about to leave when his father said something.

"And always remember that don't steal something or someone that not yours prom, don't interrupt the destiny will", prom father muttered in such a serious tone.

"Why all of you are saying those words to me?, why all of you were siding to that prince!!!", prom screamed in anger, the water around the room swayed in irritation.

"I'm just warning you prom, prince yin already owned the maiden, he's the first one that found him, he had all the right to the maiden, the prophecy also stated that the fire dragon only belongs to the maiden, the maiden will be keeper, the anchor and the lover of the fire dragon, and you're not that dragon prom, you will be just his friend and nothing more!", the lord exclaimed in a firm tone.

"Then I will break that prophecy of yours, you raised me with the mindset of what I want will always what I get, goodbye father", prom replied back after that he left the room without looking back to his father.

"I hope that the great dragon gives mercy to you", the lord of the water muttered as he sat down on his seat.


Yin and war arrives at the gate, prom and ormsin is already waiting for them, their things are now on the horses and they're ready to go.

"Where did the two of you go?", ormsin asked in such a sassy tone, her hands are crossed to her chest.

"Nothing, come on let's go, we might arrive to our destination tomorrow, so we better leave the water district today", prince yin announced to his companions, ormsin and prom noticed the gold bangle that wrapped around yin and war wrists.

"What about those bangles?, a new tread?", prom asked in curiousity.

"Beautiful right?, vee gave this to me!!!", war exclaimed happily as he let ormsin and prom have a better sight to the bangle.

"Yes it's beautiful", prom replied in a low voice.

Yin called war and they mouthed to yins horse. Ormsin followed the two along with prom, they start to their journey to the Gaeia district.



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