Chapter 32: back to HQ

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"I know what Charlie did to Marla," Kyle whispered in Sofie's ear. "I won't tell anyone."

Sofie's heart rate accelerated, for a multitude of reasons. If Kyle knew, that meant Charlie told him. Jesus, Charlie. What a wreck. She needed to get it together. But Sofie decided to play dumb. She tilted her head, confused.

"Huh? Charlie did what?" She asked. Despite her time with Team Razor, she was not a particularly skilled liar.

Kyle frowned. "You know exactly what she did. That's why she was so awkward when you two got back."

Deep down, Sofie was glad she didn't have to hide anything from Kyle anymore. But why did it all still feel so forced talking to him? She sighed and nodded.

"I won't tell anyone. As far as Brandon and anyone else outside of us three know, I literally know nothing."

Poor Brandon, Sofie thought to herself. The guy had no idea how his friend group was falling apart around him. Blissful unawareness, in a way. But she just nodded.

"Alright," was all she could think to say.

The silence lingered uncomfortably for a while before Kyle nodded and walked out, muttering "I ordered food if you want any."

A few minutes later, there was a struggling noise outside the room, before Charlie finally managed to open the door with her key.

"Hey," Sofie smiled. "What's up?"
Charlie shrugged. "Just trying to get something to eat. You guys order anything yet?"

"Yeah. I think Kyle and Brandon did, Galarian food or something." By the look on Charlie's face, that was the wrong answer. But she nodded.

"Alright, thanks," Charlie smiled. Sofie shrugged, and Charlie walked out.

What's with this steady stream of visitors? Good god, Sofie thought, pulling out her phone. She was documenting something on it.

Another attempted takedown of Team Razor. Better to deal with them while they're in semi-shambles than when they're angry, with a vengeance. This time, it all hinged around Brandon's cluelessness. If Kyle or Charlie were to say anything about recent events, she'd never be able to get him to go back to Ashbourne with her. Sure, it would involve a fair amount of lying, but Brandon wouldn't recognize her tells soon enough to realize what they were doing.

As much as she liked Kyle, Brandon was admittedly the strongest trainer of the bunch, so she would need his help.

For now, though, it was time to enjoy some Galarian food, and, if this went well, a last moment of peace.

There was one thing Sofie chose not to tell Charlie. She kept the gun, exactly for an occasion like this. She wouldn't shoot anyone, and the chamber was empty, but nobody else had to know her bluff.

She knocked lightly on Kyle and Brandon's door and walked in. They had chairs set up around a desk, Kyle's attempt to make everyone feel comfortable during stressful times.

Charlie had made an attempt to join them for the meal and was now conversing shyly with Brandon, who, despite being entirely confused by her recent behaviour, was clearly making an attempt to make her feel as comfortable as possible.

Sofie grabbed the one open chair spot and reached into the bag, where her food was the last untouched container. Not wanting to talk to anyone, she ate in silence, eyes darting across the pale tan wall, to the window that let in the bright light in the room.

When they finished their eating, Charlie seemed to have regained her confidence to an extent, though she still was uncharacteristically shy.

Sofie tapped Brandon on the shoulder. "I've gotta go do something in Ashbourne. Care to join me? Kyle's busy."

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