Chapter 26: Freed

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The previous evening

Sofie was sitting in the makeshift prison cell. She didn't know when she was supposed to have a trial, but she didn't know that this was bullshit. It was dark outside, and she didn't even think anybody was in the building. What a joke.

The Town Hall door opened quietly, muffled slightly by Sofie's distance from the entrance.

Workers come in this late? Sofie thought to herself. A few minutes later, the light in the cell turned on from outside, and the door clicked open.

"What the fuck do you want?" Sofie snapped, expecting to see a cop. She looked up and gasped. A cloth went over her mouth, and she fainted instantly.

The present

Sofie woke outside of the cell, a relief before she realized where she was. She was in the woods just off the path from Pine Town, and she didn't know how. But she was wanted. Did she really want to put that stress on Kyle and Charlie? No. But she couldn't just wander around, either. She needed something to disguise herself.

She tossed her Pokeball. "Scyther, use Fury Cutter." The recent addition to her team swiftly chopped off some of Sofie's hair, leaving her looking fairly different already.

She stood outside the hotel in the bushes, spotting Kyle and Charlie returning. The two went inside, and exited with Brandon by their side. Sofie quickly slipped behind them, and used the key she had left in her pocket (they didn't search her very well) to open the door to their room.

When she got in, she quickly closed the door, grabbing her bag and changing her clothes. She then grabbed her phone, which she had left in the room, and snuck out of the window, disappearing down a path away from Pine Town.

Charlie's phone dinged. She looked at it, and her eyes widened, but she quickly masked her surprise.

Charlie, I got out. I don't know how. But I can't risk screwing you three over. Delete this message and I'll text you again if I need your help. Thanks.

She was confused. Why would Sofie message her and not Kyle? It could be a matter of who she thought would deal with the shock of the message. But Charlie had been on edge since they found that body. Everything made her jump. So maybe Sofie made a mistake..

Ashbourne City Gym

Eddie was sitting at his computer towards the back of the dojo yet again. The doors spun open, and he heard a familiar, annoying, voice. But this time, it sounded scared.

"Eddie, please," Sofie asked calmly. "I got arrested for killing someone that you know damn well I didn't kill. I swear I didn't break out. I just.. ended up out here."

Eddie frowned. "I've read up a bit on the case, yes. Now, my boss was a slacker, if you couldn't tell by my work ethic. I have more reason to have wanted that guy gone than you did. But still. I don't think you realize how much of a risk I would be taking it I were to believe you. But, professionally, it makes sense to help someone if I think they're innocent, so, what do you need?" He replied reluctantly.

Sofie's face was flushed with relief. "I know who could have done this. Team Razor has been screwing with me for a while, since I left. That's the thing. You've been acting like an asshole to me and my friends when I'm not even a part of Team Razor anymore. I guarantee there will be some sort of forensic evidence there. They aren't smart. Please, get them to search there again."

"Yeah, my bad," Eddie grumbled, not one for apologies. "there were a lot of holes in any case against you, anyway. I rushed for you to get arrested, but I get that that was wrong. I needed to get someone. The police are incompetent, and it's mainly because I'm in charge, for some reason."

Sofie shrugged. "Not important. They know I'm gone now, and they'll know where to look. Or, they think they will."

"I've got a crappy futon in the back that I used to use when I spent the nights here, if you need somewhere to stay. I'll lock up the gym and try to re-examine the scene, but if you're guilty, you're fucking us both over, you know that?"

Sofie nodded. "Yep. Hence why I'm willing to put you at risk. Because I'm not guilty," she smiled. "Anyway, thanks. I've gotta do something, so I'll stay here."

Eddie nodded, walking out of the gym.

"Guess that asshole had some humanity in him," Sofie chuckled.

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