Chapter 36: Battling

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"You do realize you aren't going to win this, right, Char?" Brandon asked as they made the way out to the town battlefield, with Kyle and Sofie just ahead of them.

"Brandon, shut the fuck up."

"Okay? Just don't come complaining to me when you lose to Kyle. It's not even close to a fair matchup," Brandon replied, rolling his eyes and picking up the pace to catch up with Kyle and Sofie, where Sofie was serving as Kyle's hype woman.

"You've got this, Kyle. You're gonna do great," she assured him, but when she turned to Brandon, she rolled his eyes and walked over to him.

"Don't you think this is a bit ridiculous?" Sofie frowned. "Charlie is gonna get fucking steamrolled."

Brandon nodded. "Yeah, it doesn't exactly seem fair," he replied.

As they arrived at the battlefield, Kyle spoke up.

"Okay, this isn't a fair matchup, so, how about you just use your two Pokémon, and I'll use two of mine," he offered. Charlie nodded, but refused to make eye contact with him.

"Alright, but if I win, you need to apologize," she said. Kyle rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Charlie. If you wanted an apology, you could just ask just ask. I'm sorry. I overreacted and freaked out, and Gustavo was someone I trusted. I still do trust him. If I broke under the stress and gave him information, then there's a legitimate chance that he was just stressed too." Kyle shrugged.

Charlie raised an eyebrow. "You're just trying to shift blame on to Gustavo."

Brandon was getting increasingly frustrated with her antics, and his face was most certainly showing it, as his face was becoming more and more red as the argument progressed. 

"Charlie, he apologized. Seriously, it's getting ridiculous."

"You're supposed to be on my side, Brandon," she said, frustrated.

"I'm not on anyone's side," he replied, rolling his eyes as Kyle took out a Pokéball.

"Well, maybe you should be!" 

"Can you calm down? You're being annoying as hell," Brandon said, voice dripping with venom. And it seemed as though he had crossed a line, as Charlie redirected her anger at Brandon now.

"You're an asshole," she turned back to Kyle and tossed her Pokéball, revealing Ivysaur. "Alright, Kyle, what are you going to use?"

Kyle was visibly uncomfortable. Though he had been arguing with Charlie earlier, it was off-putting to see her being so confrontational. Then again, he thought to himself, I've become more confrontational lately too. He chose a Pokéball, and sent out his Charmeleon.

"Seriously? You're going to be like that? Alright, then. Ivysaur, use Sleep Powder." Ivysaur caught Charmeleon by surprise, and Charmeleon was asleep before it could do anything. Ivysaur was then instructed to use Tackle, which it did a few times before Charmeleon finally woke up.

"Charmeleon, use Flamethrower." And just like that, Ivysaur was done for. So out came Trapinch, which laid waste to Charmeleon with ease using one single Dig. Kyle contemplated which Pokémon to use for a moment before sending out Fearow.

"Fearow, use Peck!" Charlie let out a laugh when she heard his move choice.

"Alright, well, Rock Slide should be enough to win me the battle, so use Rock Slide." Trapinch shot rocks down at Fearow, and the battle was over. It hadn't taken long, but surprisingly, Charlie was the winner.

Brandon was going to congratulate her, but was pushed out of the way by Charlie as she made her way back to the hotel room. 

"Get out of my way, Brandon."

"Why are you such an ass right now? The least you could do is tell me what I did wrong." 

"I don't owe you an answer. I don't owe you anything, moron," she replied, frowning.

"Ooh, trouble in paradise?" Sofie teased, joining into the conversation. Charlie frowned again, this time glaring at Sofie.

"There is no paradise. Fuck off," Charlie said. Brandon had heard enough, and he walked away, into the hotel.

"Well, look what you did now."

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