Chapter 15: Pine Gym

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Kyle stepped into the Gym, the bright lights blinding him temporarily. The Leader grabbed a Pokeball and grinned. 

"Sorry! Keep forgetting to turn the lights down." He smiled. "I'm Abe. Welcome to the gym. You wanted a fight, I assume?" Kyle nodded.

Kyle looked around the gym. It was themed around a volcano, and was very warm. He laid his coat down next to a red stony pillar.

"Let's do this." Kyle grinned, grabbing a Pokeball from his belt. "Wartortle, let's do this!"

Wartortle shot bubbles at Abe's Growlithe, who quickly fainted. The same thing happened with Abe's Vulpix, who was only able to get off a quick attack.

When Abe sent out his Charmeleon, Wartortle shot more bubbles at the Charmeleon, who shook it off and slashed at the turtle. After a few back and forth hits, Charmeleon fell. Kyle pumped his fist and smiled.

"Great work, Wartortle. You did good!"

Kyle walked out of the gym after getting the badge from Abe, being greeted by Sofie.

"Nice work. You're stronger than you give yourself credit for, Kyle." She smiled.

Kyle grinned. "Thanks. I'm keeping a spot open in my team for Diglett, though."

Sofie sighed. "I'll help you find it eventually. I just didn't have the time, because Team
Razor controlled most of what I do. They let me do the gym challenge, but as soon as I beat the league, I was planning to ditch them. This is better, though. You guys are cool." She smiled.

Kyle nodded. "Except when Brandon and Charlie hate eachother."

Sofie laughed. "except when Brandon and Charlie hate eachother," she agreed, as they walked back to a hotel.

Brandon was groaning from his spot in the hotel room as he tried to grab a bottle of water. Charlie looked over at him, concerned.

"You're sure you're alright?" She asked him. "Sofie told me you were hurt, but I didn't realize it was that bad."

Brandon shrugged. "I went back to Razor HQ and got a kick to the ribs as courtesy for it," he replied. "from the woman herself." He spoke bitterly. "Marla couldn't beat me if she tried."

Charlie's mouth hung open. "Marla? She's the masked woman??" Brandon nodded. "Jesus. That makes sense now that I think of it. She was here when Diglett disappeared. Plus, Beedrill."

Brandon nodded. "Got some ice? Or an ice type? Don't really care at this point."

Razor HQ

Marla grinned. "I figured that loose-lipped idiot couldn't shut up. As it turns out, it's quite easy to place a mic on someone when you're beating the shit out of them," she told the boss.

He nodded. "You bugged him?" He asked. "Fair enough. Just don't do anything that blows your cover."

Marla smiled. "Do you still want one of the four of them here? Because I can arrange for that."

He nodded. "Brandon, preferably."

Marla shook her head. "He knows to expect me. But I can get him where it hurts the most."

The boss nodded. "Very well. I'll see you tomorrow. Don't let me down."

The next morning.

Sofie woke abruptly. She thought she had heard something, and it had jolted her awake. She looked over to the bed next to her.


No answer.

"What are you doing?" Sofie turned the lights on and jumped.

There wasn't anything scary there.


There was nobody.

Charlie was gone.

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