Chapter 23: A murderer?

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The police who arrived at the scene quickly separated the four into different rooms in the small town hall in Pine Town. Brandon was the first to be let out after some quick questions, as it was obvious he was not in Pine Town when it occurred. Charlie was quickly also allowed to leave, and Kyle soon also got out. While Charlie relaxed, Kyle and Brandon were discussing their interviews.

"I didn't really know what to say," Brandon shrugged. "You guys were the last here. I assume they came after you left."

Kyle nodded. "When Sofie and I found out how long it would take for the air taxi to get here, she told me she would be back in ten minutes. I guess that's why they're still questioning her? She was gone when it could have occurred?"

Brandon shrugged. "I know Sofie the least out of us, but she doesn't seem like the 'murder someone and write in blood' type. Doesn't mean she couldn't be, but-"

"Brandon. Listen. Sofie is one hundred percent not involved in whatever happened.  Team Razor despises her, and it's pretty obvious they're trying to frame her."

"And if they aren't?"

"I know they are."

Brandon shook his head. "Kyle, we've known this girl for a week. I don't care how well you think you know her, that doesn't mean she's guaranteed innocent. I'm just saying it's unfair to blindly trust someone we barely know."

"What happened to innocent until proven guilty?" Kyle replied, wiping his glasses. "I bet if Charlie was a suspect you would think she's innocent."

"That's stupid, Kyle, and you know it. I've known Charlie my entire life. You've known Sofie for a week. A week."

Kyle groaned. "You're an idiot."

Charlie pushed open their door, wiping her face. "What're you two arguing about?" She asked.

Kyle frowned. "Sofie was told to stay at the hall. I'm positive she didn't do anything, but Brandon doesn't agree."

Charlie nodded. "I don't think she did anything," she replied softly, walking out of the room.

Brandon turned back to Kyle. "I don't think she did anything either. I'm saying it's dumb to blindly believe. Okay?" He told Kyle, his tone softening.

Kyle nodded. "I'm sorry. I'm really stressed right now," he sighed. "I really don't think Sofie would do something this insane. And she's probably even more stressed than I am right now."

Pine Town Hall

Sofie calmly folded her hands in front of her as the lead investigator yet again walked into the tiny room.

"We can let you go after a few more questions, but considering what we know, I think it's better if you stay here. People won't like that you're a suspect for killing the champion. Whether it's true or not."

Sofie shook her head. "Don't care. I'm leaving as soon as I can."

He nodded. "Multiple people said they saw you leaving the hotel room in a hurry, you are the only one in that room with a weak alibi, and you have connections to a criminal gang. It really doesn't look good for you."

Sofie frowned. "I went back in because I had a migraine. There was Tylenol in the cabinet. Kyle knows this. We were going to help my friend. That's why my alibi was weak and why I was rushed. I quit the gang recently too. They're framing me."

"Fair enough. We will likely need more answers, however, so don't be surprised if we need you back in here soon."

Sofie nodded. "Thank you," she replied, before walking out of the building and sticking up both middle fingers.

"Dumb fucks."

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