Chapter 9: Skoro Town

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Brandon woke up in the hotel room, his immediate disorientation lasting only a few seconds before he saw Kyle asleep in the other bed. He grabbed some berries from the fridge and went out the door of their hotel.

Skoro Town was a small place, probably only meriting a gym due to it's status as the first ever airport in Johu. Of course, though, that was long gone, so the main attractions were its Gym, and the "celebrities" who took breaks here, like Marla. The air was fresh with a feeling of spring unknown to Penrith City, which always smelled like one restaurant or another. He could get used to being here, if Charlie's uncharacteristic impatience or Kyle's desperation for Diglett didn't push them out.

Speaking of his friends, there he was. Kyle stepped out of the hotel with a yawn, nodding at Brandon. 

"Hey, Kyle. Nobody found Diglett yet?"


Brandon gave a sympathetic nod. "That's unfortunate. I'm sure Gustavo and Marla will be willing to help us, though." Kyle nodded. "Where's Charlie?" Brandon asked.

"In her hotel room. I knocked to wake her up and was told to, quote 'fuck off to Nuwork', end quote."

Brandon grimaced. "Good insult, but not exactly typical of her. Is she alright?"

Kyle shrugged. "She wasn't feeling great last night, said that Beedrill stung her or something. Maybe she'll talk to you?"

Brandon nodded, walking indoors. He knocked on Charlie's door.


"Hey, nice to talk to you too. You alright?"

"No. Son of a bitch Beedrill."

"Want me to come in? I'll get you some breakfast."

"You're going to anyway, so fine."

Brandon frowned. Even he wasn't this confrontational on a bad day. He wasn't planning on starting an argument, though, so he just waited for her to unlock the door.

Charlie was pale, with a blanket wrapped tightly around her arms. Brandon gasped quickly.

"I get it. I look like shit. Get over it."

Brandon frowned. "I didn't say anything. You just look sick."

"Because I am sick, dumbass."

Brandon bit his lip. "I'm sorry. What do you want to eat?"

Charlie shook her head. "I'm not hungry. Go hang out with Kyle or something," she replied, lying back down on the bed.

Despite his rising frustration, Brandon kept a calm, even tone. "I'll get you some pancakes from the hotel restaurant, if you don't want it you don't have to eat it. But I don't want you to not have anything here."

Charlie smiled softly. "Thanks. But really. You don't need to."

Brandon shook his head, picking up a remote. "I want to go battle, but I'll help you first. Put something on TV- I think the gym has a channel? And relax, I'll bring in food."

"I don't want fucking food!" Charlie snapped. "I want peace and fucking quiet! Get out!"

Brandon flung the remote haphazardly, landing it on the other bed. "Okay. Jesus. No need to be an asshole. This is the type of stuff you got mad at me for," he stormed out of the room.

Kyle's face dropped seeing Brandon's expression. "No success?" He asked calmly. Brandon shook his head.

"She made me seem nice," he joked, reaching for his backpack that was on the floor. "I'm going to the gym. Gustavo should be easy. I caught a Pokemon that will be a great help." He grinned.

Charlie's POV

She turned on the TV again and flipped through channels before finding one she liked, a Pokemon tips and tricks show. A few minutes later, she was half asleep when another knock sounded at the door.

"Go away, Brandon," she grumbled.

A much softer voice replied. "Yeah, if I was Brandon, I would. But I can't say I am."

"The hell are you doing here, Sofie?" Charlie asked. "You hate us."

"Kyle told me you were sick. I brought food if you want any."

"Kyle told you? Since when do you talk to Kyle?"

"Nevermind that!" Charlie could almost hear Sofie's frown through the door. "Unlock the door, I have soup."

"Fine." She hadn't allowed Brandon to get food, but Sofie already had it, so it was no harm done. Charlie trudged over to the door, unlocking it.

Sofie looked at Charlie concerned, but didn't say anything, simply handing a bowl of soup wrapped in plastic wrap. "I'll leave now."

"It's fine, I already pissed off two people today," she frowned. "You can stay."

"Say something mean to Brandon?" Sofie asked. Charlie nodded. 

"Swore at him a few times and told him to get out."

"Not your brightest move. From what I can tell, dude is about as crazy for you as you are for him. He probably feels a little hurt by that."

Charlie nodded, surprised by Sofie's willingness to cooperate with any of them. Sofie grabbed the remote, scrolling through the channels until she found the Gym.

"There's Brandon," she told Charlie, who was already looking at the screen. The battle was almost over, with Marill against Tropius, and it didn't look good. Brandon quickly returned Marill to his Pokeball, and sent out Houndour, the newest addition to his team. Houndour sent flames at Tropius, winning him the battle.

Brandon grinned after winning, quickly grabbing the badge and making an exit.

Brandon's POV

He exited the gym, spotting a Beedrill holding a Pokeball. Brandon took off running, getting closer and closer to the Beedrill before..

He fell face first. He laid there on the ground for a few seconds, hearing a calm but vicious female voice whisper next to him-

"Stay out of our business."

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