Chapter 11: Back to the drawing board.

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Charlie woke in a dazed state, surprised to see Sofie in her hotel room. The events of the past few hours had been a haze to her, but she felt much better now. She thought quickly about what she did remember- she had pissed Brandon off, and Sofie had been a surprisingly empathetic voice to talk to. 

"Where are the boys?" Charlie asked Sofie, who was checking her phone.

"Kyle told me they went on to Ashbourne," Sofie replied, scratching the back of her head. "How are you feeling?"

"So much better physically, so much worse emotionally," Charlie sighed.

Sofie nodded, her phone dinging. Her face lit up a scarlet red. "Kyle is going into Razor HQ. Damnit!"

Charlie frowned. "Well, looks like we know where we're going," she sighed.

"I don't think those morons know how powerful the admins are. I'm only an admin by rank. By power, I'm down there with some of the grunts. The boss will tear them apart." She shook her head. "I'm not bringing you into a shitshow unless you promise me you can handle it. You're fine. Right?"

Charlie nodded nervously, following Sofie out of the town and through the shadowy grove.

A short while later, they entered Ashbourne City. They had ran most of the way through the grove, Sofie effortlessly, and Charlie... exerting a lot of energy. She took a few seconds to recollect herself before following Sofie into the Headquarters.

"Why are their headquarters in the middle of the city?" Charlie asked.

"The boss thinks he's untouchable. Besides, Eddie is a joke. He couldn't care less, as long as we don't bother him."


"The Gym Leader."

Charlie nodded. "Oh."

Sofie pulled Charlie by her arm. "Keep your head down and act scared. They won't think anything of it if you're with me," she spoke in a confident tone. Charlie nodded. 

It wasn't hard to look scared. She was scared. But not pulling away from Sofie was incredibly frustrating. After a few minutes, she pulled Charlie into a corridor and into a room on floor six.

"This is my office. Considering that the only jobs I ever get are damage control for these idiots, I don't know why I have one. But they used to think they could use me as an emotionless machine, so I don't think they're very smart. If we check the security cameras, we should figure out where the boys are. Unfortunately, the boss can do the same thing." She turned on her computer and quickly went through the monitors. "God dammit! They're on the top floor!" The cameras showed Brandon and Kyle quickly heading down a corner, with a masked woman heading the other way towards them. "I've never seen her before.."

"Screw this," Charlie replied. "Ivysaur, we're going with them." Ivysaur nodded. Charlie quickly ran up the stairs, her breathlessness from earlier now gone.

Sofie sat in the office chair, sighed, and put her head down on the desk.

The Boys

Kyle was aimlessly wandering the top floor, with Brandon begging for him to stop. Eventually, they turned a corner and ran straight into a woman.

They all gasped before the woman adjusted her mask and grabbed them by the arms. Kyle gave her a shove, but she was able to deal with both of them with relative ease. 

"You're one sick fuck, you know that," Kyle grumbled, venom dripping from his usually cheery tone.

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