Hull Town, pt 2

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Brandon and Kyle entered the hotel fifteen minutes after getting Sofie's text.

"You're late," Charlie grumbled, eliciting a chuckle from Brandon.

"If you're gonna try to be intimidating, maybe don't change into pyjamas as soon as you get to the hotel," Brandon replied. "Nice pyjamas, though," he teased.

Charlie's face went a little red, but she rolled her eyes. "I'm not paying for your guys' hotel room," she muttered.

"I don't think your mother would be very happy if she heard how you treat your friends, but I can pay for a hotel room. Unlike you, I do battles to earn my money rather than being rich from mom's fortune," he replied, taking a verbal jab at Charlie.

"Alright, be my guest, asshole," she said, walking away with a shrug. Sofie glanced at Kyle before frowning and following Charlie to their room.

"Yeah, uh, can we get the furthest hotel room that you have from the girl who just came in here?" Brandon asked. "Don't particularly feel like running into her in the hallway."

"We only have three rooms available, but you can pick which one you want for an extra fee," the man at the counter said. Brandon and Kyle thought for a moment before nodding.

"Yeah, sure. I'll pay the fee. Just put us in the furthest corner of the hotel." Brandon paid for the room, and then they walked to their room after receiving the key.

"You know, Hull Town is apparently a pretty big Team Razor hub thanks to how annoyingly long the path to get here is. Police never come to this town unless they've gotta," Kyle said as they entered the room.

Brandon nodded. "Police don't do jack shit anyway. Bunch of incompetent fucks," he replied, rolling his eyes. "I can't tell if they don't care about their job, or are literally just that stupid."

"Probably a combination of both. Though I heard Eddie is taking steps to make the Ashbourne police force a stronger force," Kyle replied with a shrug.

"I mean, he literally let Marla shoot Charlie and then threatened to arrest us all for it, so he doesn't seem like the brightest guy. Good riddance to Marla, by the way. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving human, don't you think?"

Kyle chuckled. "As much as we're not particularly impressed with Charlie right now, I think we can agree she did the world a massive favor by taking out the trash," he said, saying 'the trash' in air quotes. "Oh, yeah. Sofie just texted me. She wants to know if we want food with her and Charlie."

"I'll pass. You can go have fun with your girlfriend, though," Brandon said, a tinge of bitterness creeping into his voice.

"Alrighty. I'll bring you back a couple slices. We're having pizza," he said. "If you plan on battling the gym tomorrow, you should probably come up with some strategy while you're here, too," Kyle replied, slowly closing the door behind him as he made his way down to Sofie and Charlie's room. 

When Kyle got to the door, he knocked slowly.

"Door's unlocked," Sofie called out as Kyle entered. "We just ordered pepperoni and cheese because we weren't sure what you'd want," she said softly.

Kyle nodded. "Thanks. Hey, Charlie," he said tentatively, nervously smiling.

She frowned at him, but looked less angry than she had earlier during the day. Eventually, she relented.

"Hi, Kyle," she said with a wave as he sat at the table and took some pizza on his plate.

They ate in silence, but much of the animosity between Charlie and Kyle seemed to be gone, much to Sofie's delight.

"Kyle, are you battling the gym tomorrow?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah, me and Brandon both plan on battling Zack early tomorrow morning," Kyle replied, finishing his final slice of pizza. Charlie nodded.

Once they were all done eating, Kyle got up and put his paper plate in the garbage.

"I'm gonna head back now. Can I take a few slices for Brandon?" He asked.

Charlie frowned for a moment, but ultimately relented. "Sure."

Kyle took up a few slices on another paper plate and smiled.

"Good luck with your Gym Battle tomorrow. I won't be there to watch, but I hope you and Brandon win," Charlie said.

"Thanks. Thanks for the supper, too. Have a good night," he said to the girls, quickly hugging Sofie before leaving and returning to Brandon's room.

"I'm going to bed," Kyle said after passing Brandon the pizza. "I want to be as rested as possible for battling Zack tomorrow, in case he's as tough as we think."

"Cool," Brandon replied. "Good night."

To be continued…

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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