Chapter 7: Leader Marla (Not Clickbait this time)

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Friday, May 22nd

Charlie walked down the stairs of the hotel lobby with a sigh, walking over to Kyle as she attempted to put a brush through her messy brown hair. Kyle waved and smirked.

"Bran awake yet?" She asked softly as Kyle shook his head.

"Nope. Probably a good thing, though."


"You're basically attached to him at the hip, and it's probably holding you back." Charlie shook her head angrily. "Don't argue it, Charlie. You follow him around like a Growlithe and aren't getting a chance to become independent." He frowned.

Charlie stared daggers at him, but she slumped in the chair she had just sat in. "That's harsh, Kyle," she frowned. "God."

Kyle's face softened as he noticed her expression. "Sorry. I'm just trying to say that you would be a much better trainer if you didn't spend all your time training as his right hand.. err.. woman. In fact, I've got a great idea. You're winning that gym battle today, before Brandon wakes up. Prove to me that you can accomplish something without him and I'll stop being a pest."

Charlie sighed again. Kyle was being annoying, meddlesome at best, but he wasn't wrong. Charlie had been so used to doing everything with Brandon in Nuwork that she didn't really want to separate herself from him. Either way, though, she did need that gym badge, so Kyle could be of help.


"Alright. Marla uses poison types, as you can tell. Poison types aren't weak to much, only Ground and Psychic. But Beedrill makes Ground useless against it. I recommend using Dig with Trapinch and then biting Beedrill. It can't take much in terms of attacks, but if you let it start attacking quickly, it's over. Diglett got knocked out in a matter of seconds once Beedrill got a few attacks in, so make sure Bulbasaur is ready to battle if necessary." Kyle kept describing battle plans, but Charlie was only half listening.

"So, Dig and hope to get lucky on Beedrill. Right. Fair enough. Thanks, Kyle."

"No problem. I'll tell Brandon you went to the gym. I should probably get us breakfast." He chuckled. "I'm starving."

Charlie grinned. "Alright."

20 minutes later

Brandon trudged down into the lobby to a grinning Kyle.

"What did you do this time, dude?" Brandon groaned.

"Charlie's gone to the gym. Told her I wouldn't stop pestering her unless she won the battle."

Brandon looked at Kyle, confused, but shrugged.

"How is she?" He asked.

Kyle laughed. "You were with her yesterday, genius. She's fine, but a little annoyed with me."

"I need to battle Marla anyway, so I'll go see her at the gym. Later."

Kyle groaned. "Alright, not gonna be able to stop you."

"Alright, Beedrill, Sludge Bomb!"

Brandon walked through the doors to see a weakened Beedrill and a fainted Trapinch. Charlie sent out Bulbasaur, and used Sleep Powder.

"Alright, Bulbasaur, Tackle!" Beedrill fell to the gym floor.

"Nice!" Brandon cheered. Charlie turned, her face bright red, but grinned.

"Can you not surprise me next time?" She joked.

"Okay, but you must be way easier to scare than I thought if that startled you."

"Shut up."

"Can we hurry this up?" Marla sighed. "I want to have breakfast, and I have a meeting in a half-hour."

"Alright, alright." Brandon frowned. "Just let me battle you first."

"Fine. One on one. Knock out Beedrill, or no badge for you. I don't have much time." She forced a smile, but was clearly annoyed, healing Beedrill.

"Sure. Alright Marill, use Rollout!" Marill began spinning around the field, too fast for Beedrill to catch up. One hit did solid damage, and Beedrill was largely weakened. 

"Sludge Bomb!" Marill kept rolling around and couldn't be caught by the Sludge Bomb, finishing Beedrill.

"Nice!" Brandon cheered, this time for his own victory.

Marla sighed. "Here are your badges. I'm busy now, so could you two please leave?"

Charlie frowned. "Sure," she answered, exiting the gym with Brandon.

"And I thought you were weird," Brandon laughed.

"Shut up." Charlie smiled.

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