Chapter 17: A break from chaos

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Tuesday, May 26th

Brandon opened his eyes early on a cool May morning. He took a look at the clock: 8:21 AM  and forced himself out of bed. 

Monday had been a strange day. After Sofie saved their asses, she ran off and only came back because Kyle convinced her to.

"I don't want to endanger you three," she opposed. Brandon felt that was stupid as is, seeing as it was probably his fault, a fact that still had him feeling guilty.

Kyle was lazily scrolling through his phone on the other bed, and turned to Brandon.

"Y'know, one way or another she'll find out your loose lips caused her a lot of pain."

Brandon frowned. "What?"

"I heard you tell her. Me and Sofie were walking by your room on our way back and I heard you whining about Marla."

Brandon nodded, lying back down flat on his back. "Dammit, man. I thought she would just get me. What kind of asshole brings the least involved person into this?"

"Y'know, maybe a criminal?" Kyle shook his head, sighing.

Charlie had gotten fairly lucky that Marla couldn't shoot a gun to save her life, as the bullet missed most important parts of her arm. After a day and a half, they planned to release her.

A light knock sounded at the door to the hotel room. Kyle pulled on a light blue shirt and opened the door.

Sofie smiled shyly. "Good morning, Kyle and Brandon. I ordered some breakfast to the room, so it'll be here in a few and you guys can share it."

Brandon nodded. "Thanks, but we really aren't mad, Sofie. Your affiliation slash former affiliation with Team Razor means nothing when I'm the idiot who got her dragged into this. I told her about an incident with Marla."

Kyle frowned. "So I'm the only one here who hasn't done something sketchy that may or may not have contributed to Team Razor's hate for us? Fun." Brandon glared at Kyle, and Sofie just sighed.

"Anyway, enjoy the breakfast," she quickly walked out.

Ashbourne City

Charlie looked around the city. As much as she would love to walk right back in to the Razor HQ and turn Marla's gun towards her, Sofie had already done that. And Charlie didn't have that kind of willpower. She would have shot. 

She did have one place she felt a need to go to, however.

Eddie was sitting in the back of his gym, typing at a desk. 

"Hello, Mr. Gym Leader," she spoke sarcastically. Eddie turned around and glared at her.

"Really? Can you go away? You four kids are so damn annoying," he groaned.

"And yet you're Johu's only incompetent Gym Leader," she replied.

"You would not be winning a battle against me, so I would strongly suggest you stop talking."

"I just think it would be a shame if somebody were to report you to the Pokemon League. I'm sure they would loove to hear of your stupidity," she smiled.

"Get out, kid."

Charlie smiled. "Can't say I really want to."

Eddie typed a few more lines on his computer and then turned around. 

"Out. I would have Machamp throw you out if you weren't that Gunshot Girl."

"Love you too, Eddie!" she grinned. "See you at the Pokemon League!" Charlie quickly walked out, and called the paid air Taxi service to bring her to Pine Town.

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