Part 30: New Years.. in June?

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It was a warm day when Kyle awoke with a start. The heat was becoming sweltering, and it had woken him previously during the night. Brandon seemed to have not noticed it, though.  Kyle sighed and got dressed for what would likely be another uneventful day and exited to the lobby when he saw Charlie sitting at a couch.

He walked up and spoke softly. "Hey," he began. "You look like you need some fresh air. You wanna go for a walk?"

Charlie looked up. There were bags under her eyes and she appeared exhausted. But she forced a smile nonetheless. "Sure. I think Ivysaur could use it, thanks," she replied.

Kyle chuckled. "I'm more concerned about you, but since Ivysaur needs it, sure."

They walked in absolute silence until they were deep into the woods, the only sounds being a few Pidgey on the trees around them.

"You know, I want to help you. But you have to tell me what happened," Kyle spoke slowly. "Something bad must have happened, and we're all in this together. Whether you like it or not, we have to deal with things together now. Understand?"

Charlie let out a tired laugh. "Jesus, Kyle. You've all changed so much. You're more confident, Brandon is less of a dickhead, and I'm.. still the same. I've done very little useful."

Kyle ignored her, and continued walking in silence. No use feeding into her anxiety, he told himself.

"I killed Marla," Charlie blurted after an uncomfortably long silence. "You know what? I don't feel bad that she died. She deserved it. But I feel bad that I was the one responsible. I'm not a killer. At least, I didn't think I was." She knew she didn't have the willpower, but didn't think it would ever matter.

Kyle did his best to keep his face emotionless and nodded. "That's not the best way to get rid of a problem, but, I understand the logic. We've got your back. Me and Brandon."

Charlie smiled. "Thanks," she began, when a green Pokémon flew into the clearing they had just walked into. "What the hell?" Everything began spinning...

December 31st, 2020

Charlie and Kyle were transported instantly to.. the same place? Charlie immediately started shivering.

"It's so damn cold.." She muttered.

Kyle frowned. "I'm wearing shorts. Get over it." He scolded himself mentally. Next time, he'd wear pants just in case time and space were ruined. "I'd say this is December based on how cold it is. Let's get back to the hotel."

When they arrived, they noticed that there was a party in the conference room. Why a party? Kyle asked himself. He then looked up, and gasped. He grabbed Charlie's arm, and pulled them both into a closet.

"What the fuck, Kyle!?" Charlie shouted, and Kyle put his hand over her mouth.

"I promise I'm not crazy," he began slowly. "But I just saw us in there. That Pokémon must have moved us forward in time. But why?"

Charlie shrugged. "I know one way to find out." She grabbed Kyle's glasses and grabbed a parka from the closet, and had Ivysaur cut her hair into a bob with Razor Leaf. "This is a terrible cover. But it gives me plausible deniability that I'm not recognizable.

"Don't do anything stupid."

"I won't." Charlie nonchalantly checked the time and date on someone's phone. 11:58 PM, December 31st 2020.

She looked around, and quickly located Brandon, Kyle, Sofie, and herself. Kyle and Sofie were attached at the hip, as per usual. But Brandon and her seemed distant. Charlie sighed, envisioning their future argument, and then noticed someone familiar in the corner of the room.

Razor's Boss.

He had covered himself well, but without a doubt, it was him. Charlie didn't know what was going on, but all she could do was watch as they counted down to the new year.


A single shot rang through the building.

Brandon crumpled to the ground.

Everything started spinning again.

To be continued.

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