Chapter 20: A close look at the conflict

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Wednesday, May 27th

Today started off pretty well. Brandon and I left for Skoro Town at about 10 in the morning, just after we ate and told Kyle and Sofie we were leaving. Honestly, I think we were all glad to get some space. I still think Brandon is a little suspicious of Sofie. And Kyle is tired of getting interrupted by Brandon while he's working on tweaking the habitat features. I'm just glad I'm on Brandon's good side again. Things really weren't fun when he hated me. And I understood it. I lashed out at him for no reason, when he was simply trying to be helpful.
When we arrived in Ashgrove at about noon, we ordered some lunch and explored the city that we hadn't gotten to see much of the first time. Brandon wanted to go back to Razor HQ, but I managed to talk him out of it, because that wasn't going to go well.

On the topic, my shoulder is feeling better than before, but I could do without the gunshot wound and be completely happy with my situation.
Eddie is an idiot. We saw him while exploring the city, and he tried to apologize for being insensitive, but it just turned in to Brandon telling him to fuck off after he said another insensitive line. Something along the lines of 'it's not my fault she can't keep a bullet out of her arm'. What an ass.

I really don't mind the pain. It really doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the comments from assholes like Eddie, especially when Team Razor wants me dead now. I'm scared. And I don't know what to do about it. Brandon doesn't seem to mind. But he lives in the moment. Maybe Sofie would understand, but I don't know. It's scary.

When I left that early Thursday morning, I expected to be sent out on an enjoyable adventure into the region. Brandon and Kyle thrive on energy and activity, but I just wanted to see what all the fuss of a journey was about. And then things started... going downhill. I was never going to tell Brandon I was done with all of it, because I don't want to go back to Nuwork by myself. And.. as much as everything with Team Razor worried me.. I didn't want to leave after a while.

Back on topic, though, we arrived at Skoro Town just before supper. Rushing my way into the gym, I defeated Gustavo with the Rock Slide a move tutor in Ashbourne taught me. The gyms so far have seemed like a joke. I really don't get all the fuss.

We had a close call later this evening when we spotted Marla, but we ducked into a cheap motel. As it was already late enough, we decided to just stay in a mediocre two bed room for the evening.

Brandon and I played various crappy games that the TV had built into it for most of the evening, before about midnight, where we are now going to sleep.

In the event that somebody kills me or I disappear, I want this to be read. Marla and most of Team Razor want us dead. I am saving this as both a document on my phone and in an online cloud drive. If you're reading this and I'm not here, go to Team Razor HQ. They can take us as a small group, but they cannot erase us.



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