Chapter 13: Tattered but not torn

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Brandon exited the hotel room with a groan. He knew Kyle and Sofie were.. interested in one another, but he couldn't even stay in his own hotel room due to it now. Kyle kicked him out, and for what? So they could start kissing again? With the tension between Charlie and Brandon, it really felt like he was being kicked while down. He didn't even really trust Sofie, when it came down to it. She was supposedly tasked with hindering them but coincidentally found friendships with them? It didn't add up, in his opinion. In his quest for more answers, he found himself standing in front of the Razor HQ again.

"Fuck it. These assholes deserve what's coming," he told himself, pushing open the door.

He walked up the stairs, being careful not to make any noise. This would only work if they didn't know he was here- 

Brandon turned a corner and was grabbed by the hand by someone. He turned to see the masked woman, and frowned.

"You know, you aren't even scary," he told her. "You hide behind a mask like a coward because you're scared of people seeing your face." He ripped the mask off her face and gasped.

It was Marla. Except it wasn't. The woman he remembered looked happy, and outgoing. This was different. She had true anger on her face.

Marla kneed Brandon in the stomach. He recoiled and cursed under his breath.


Marla smiled, with none of the legitimacy a smile normally had. "It was nice talking to you. Now get the hell out of here. But if you tell anyone who you saw, I will personally be the one to kill you." She shoved him into an elevator.

Brandon sat in the elevator once the door closed for a minute, recollecting himself. He pressed the button to the ground floor and stood up, feeling a sharp pain shoot through his ribs. 

"Damnit," he groaned, stumbling out of the building. "I should have used Marill. We've beaten her before." He stumbled into the hotel, halfhazardly knocking before walking in anyway.

Sofie was sitting down, scrolling through her laptop. "Oh, hi, Brandon. Kyle went to go get us all something to eat. Are... you okay?" She looked at him concerned.

Brandon nodded. "I'm fine. Just tripped up earlier and hit myself off something," he shrugged. Sofie nodded, tilting her head.

"Okay.. have you talked to Charlie lately?" She asked. "I think she wanted to talk."

Brandon shook his head. "If she wants to apologize to me, she can say it directly to me. Not through you."

Sofie sighed, but didn't argue with him. "Okay. But she asked me to tell you to go to her room."

"Fine," Brandon replied, knocking on the door to the room Sofie and Charlie were sharing.

"Yeah?" Charlie called out. "Come in."

Brandon opened the door and walked in. Charlie forced a smile, but Brandon kept a straight face.

"I really hope you can make this quick, because I am in a lot of fucking pain right now."

Charlie nodded. "Brandon, I'm sorry."

"It took you 2 days to think of that?" He shook his head, frowning.

"You ran off before I could apologize! And I don't think a building run by fuckers who want you dead is a great place to apologize either! I would have thought saving your ass was enough of an apology, but if you don't see it that way, then get out. Please."

Brandon nodded. "Kyle went to get supper if you want any," he told her curtly, walking out.

Sofie noticed the angry look on Brandon's face and quickly exited the room, going back with Charlie.

Now that he could finally relax, Brandon collapsed with a sigh to the bed, turning on the TV. His phone buzzed four or five times, but he ignored it. He had dealt with enough bullshit for the day.


Brandon, I'm sorry.

I know I was an ass.
Can you please forgive me?

It's fine if you don't want
to talk. But I miss being
your friend.

Let me know if you
need anything.

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