Chapter 37: Hull Town

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June 20th

The group remained in Conto Town for about a week after Charlie and Brandon's argument. Brandon, surprisingly, was the one who kept them in Conto Town, as he sulked in the hotel room for multiple days, while Kyle tried to convince him to leave. Charlie, on the other hand, was surprisingly social, even getting a date with somebody from the town on the 19th. After that, Brandon conveniently decided it was time for them to leave, and so they set off for Hull Town the next day.

On the way there, Brandon caught a sleeping Kadabra and added it to his team. Initially, he was not particularly interested in capturing the Kadabra, but when nobody else wanted it, he decided to catch it and add it to his team.

They made the journey through the winding path slowly but surely, in relative silence. Eventually, Sofie spoke up.

"You're all acting like assholes, you know that, right?" She said with an exasperated sigh. "I'm not playing peacekeeper every time you guys get pissed at each other. I chose to follow you around to get away from all the bullshit, not to get involved in more."

"I'm acting like an asshole?" Kyle asked, frowning. "Let's see. Charlie started cursing at me as soon as she got out of jail- which she was in for killing someone, by the way-. I think I responded about how you'd expect someone to. Maybe I was a bit harsh, but I was just defending myself."

Brandon elbowed Kyle in the ribs. "Dude, shut up. You're not helping your case," he whispered. 

The walk continued with Brandon and Kyle eventually making small talk, which raised Sofie's spirits slightly. Just before dusk, they arrived in Hull Town.

Brandon and Kyle decided to take in the town and look around while Charlie and Sofie looked for a hotel for them to stay at. 

"You've got half an hour to get back or I'm not paying for your guys' room," one of the girls called out. Charlie, whose parents were by far the richest in Nuwork, tended to foot the bill for the group, which was not good for Brandon and Kyle, who were on her bad side now. Brandon rolled his eyes and Kyle stifled a laugh. 

"Does she think I'm afraid of her cutting us off?" Kyle asked, laughing. "Her mother would kill her if she made us pay ourselves. 'It's not like there's much spending to do in Nuwork, Char, so we won't need all this money. Be nice to your friends,'" Kyle said in a mocking tone, referring to Charlie's mother.

"Her mom is way too generous. That family is gonna go broke with how much they willingly spend on others," Brandon laughed. "It's a shame the generosity seems not to have been passed down to Charlie."

They soon approached the gym. Brandon looked up at the water droplet carved into the door, and turned to Kyle.

"You know anything about this gym?" He asked.

"Yep. Leader is a guy named Zack, water type trainer, obviously. He has a Gyarados and is generally looked at as one of the tougher Gym Leaders, especially compared to the past few guys."

"Okay, Mr Human Encyclopedia," Brandon joked. "I kinda just meant did you know his name, but fair enough."

"You asked if I knew anything, and I told you what I knew. That's on you for not being specific," Kyle replied, pulling out his phone after hearing a ding.

"Sofie says there's so few rooms available that if we don't get back soon, we will be sleeping out on the streets," Kyle said to Brandon, who rolled his eyes. 

"That seems a bit overdramatic, dontcha think? We could all just use one room. There's two beds and a couch, and I can sleep on a chair if I have to-"

"Sofie also says Charlie will not be letting us in their room under any circumstances," Kyle interrupted matter-of-factly. "Such a sweet girl, don't you think?"

Brandon rolled his eyes. "Let's just get back before we're actually on the streets for the night."

To be continued...

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