Chapter 29: An unfair matchup.

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"Girls, don't you think a two versus one matchup is a little unfair?" A sickly sweet voice called out. Marla stepped from the woods too, holding her pistol yet again. 

"I'm supposed to stay behind, just so you two don't get away again," she spoke evenly, but her eyes burned with hatred. "I think an exception can be made this time," she grinned. "Let's do this." 

Charlie whispered softly to her Ivysaur, which she had let out of the Pokeball. It shot out vines, grabbing the gun and pulling it back to Charlie.

"You couldn't kill me. You're pathetic." Marla snarled.

"Maybe she couldn't," Sofie began. "but I certainly could. So why don't we all just back away and pretend this didn't happen?" she continued, as Charlie pointed the gun at Marla with trembling hands. "I don't want this to have to go that way."

Marla laughed. "Alright, if you want to act like that. Give Sofie the gun, bitch," Marla snapped at Charlie, who was starting to turn white, though she maintained her weak grip. Marla turned and grinned, but her boss had disappeared. "What the-?"

"Charlie, give me the gun!" Sofie whispered. Charlie remained silent, pointing at Marla.

"Fuck this," Marla chuckled, grabbing a Pokeball. "Beedrill, let's not waste any time- FUCK!"

Charlie had fired the gun, hitting Marla squarely in the chest. It dropped to the ground, as did Charlie and Marla. 

Marla's face drained of color quite quickly, as Charlie kneeled on the ground and continued shaking. 

"Charlie, we've gotta get out of here quickly," Sofie's calm facade wasn't very strong this time, but Charlie nodded.

"Self defense..." she muttered. "We won't get in trouble anyway..." She stood up and started walking shakily, regaining composure only when they got back to the Pine Town hotel.

Kyle was sitting in the restaurant attachment when they walked in, and he stood up. He said something to the waiter and walked out. 

"Sofie?" He tilted his head, confused. "Charlie?? The hell are you two doing back here?"

Sofie frowned and walked closer to Kyle. "Where's Brandon? We all need to talk somewhere private. Now."

Kyle typed into his phone and sighed. A few moments later, Brandon emerged from the hallway, rubbing his eyes. 

"Please tell me this is important, Ky- he looked up and saw the look on Charlie and Sofie's faces. He threw his arms around Charlie, whose pale face regained all its color, this time in a vibrant red. 

Sofie frowned. "There's time for this later. I wasn't joking when I said we need to talk now." She led them out to a small clearing fifty meters away from the hotel. The pine trees in the area opened up just enough for them to talk with semi-discretion.

"Alright, so we had a little run in with some friends," she said bitterly. "Those friends didn't want us out alive, so we did something in self defense. We need to get out of the area quickly, because I'm not sure the self defense argument will hold up in court. I can't, and won't, tell you any more than that. Got it?" 

Brandon shrugged. "Sure. So what, you beat somebody up? They deserved it." Charlie shuddered and pulled away from Brandon.

"God, Charlie. It's not the end of the fucking world," Sofie groaned. "Get a hold of yourself."

"Give her a break," Brandon interjected. "Whatever you did clearly affected her."

"I didn't do anything," Sofie fumed, but Kyle stepped in. 

"Sofie, why don't we go get something to eat? I never got to finish my meal, after all," he chuckled uncomfortably. 

"Sure, whatever. Why not."


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