Chapter 22: feel our revenge

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Thursday, May 29th

Brandon woke in a crappy motel. He rolled over to the bed next to him.

"Morning, Kyl- Charlie!?"

Charlie opened her eyes, grinning.

"Morning, Mr. short term memory loss," she joked.

Brandon shook his head, chuckling. "I forgot we were here. Sorry."

Charlie shrugged. "I was awake anyway. Shoulder started aching like a half hour ago," she replied, reaching for the light switch and getting up.

Brandon pulled on a blue t-shirt and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

"When do you want to leave?" He asked. Charlie shrugged.

"I'm fine whenever," she replied.

He nodded. "I want to go to Ashbourne for.. something," he told her.

She shrugged. "I'm ready to go whenever," she answered, so they decided to leave at 11 AM.

A half hour later, they arrived in Ashbourne.

"Can you get us a reservation at a restaurant?" Brandon asked. "I don't care where, but I need to do something now," he told her.

Charlie nodded. "Sure. I'll see you in a half hour at a restaurant? I'll text you."

Brandon smiled and nodded. "Alright," he replied, turning a corner and quickly ducking into the Razor HQ.

Charlie looked back and saw the door to Razor HQ swinging shut.

"Dammit, Brandon! You're a dumbass," she shook her head, pulling out her phone and sending a message to Kyle.

"Fuck's sake," Kyle groaned. Sofie turned, confused. "Brandon went back to the Razor building, again," he told Sofie, who sighed.

"Alright, I'm ready to go help," she replied.

Kyle nodded. They called an air taxi, which took about 15 minutes to arrive, much to Kyle's frustration.

At Razor HQ, Brandon was walking through the building. His goal was to take out their boss, which would hopefully send the team into an instability. How he was going to do so.. he had no clue.

Brandon was not a rational thinker. The pain that Team Razor had caused his friends already was too much for him to simply tolerate. And so, he was either going to arrest the leader himself, or take more drastic measures. He didn't care.

Brandon poked open the bosses office, and crawled in. The boss instantly turned around, with a pistol in his hand.

"Why, if it isn't Brandon. We were going to fetch you eventually ourselves, but you've made my job much easier," he smiled.

Brandon frowned.

"I like you, more than your friends. You seem to have a certain stubborn determination. And I respect that. But, you serve as an inconvenience to me. So, I have no problem taking you out if necessary. But I haven't done so yet. So I would highly recommend you either turn yourself over to us as a member, or start running."

Brandon stayed silent.

"Your loss."

"Fuck you, man."

The boss frowned, his grip tightening around the pistol in his hand.

"I want you to leave us alone," Brandon told him. "we just wanted to go on a journey, and you guys put a hole in my friend's shoulder. For what? She did absolutely nothing to you. Fucking assholes."

The boss quietly decided to reach for his Pokeball.

"I have a Pokemon that could easily destroy your team in here now. I'm not messing around with you any longer, kid."

Brandon sent out his Marill. It was nowhere near a close match, but Brandon felt confident that his team could take out the singular Feraligatr. Marill curled up into a ball and started rolling energetically around the bigger, less agile Feraligatr, who just kept biting the air while Marill got off some good hits. After a while, Marill got hit, and just barely tanked the attack. Surrounded by a glowing light, it evolved into Azumarill!

The much stronger Azumarill was able to nearly take out Feraligatr before succumbing to a devastating crunch.

Brandon's Houndour and Sandshrew were already at a firm disadvantage, but Houndour managed to burn Feraligatr with its flames.

"Alright, Sandshrew, just get off one good hit!" It scratched the mighty Feraligatr, and Brandon had won.

"You're a good battler. Like a weaker me," the boss chuckled. "You can go. But next time I won't let you out."

Brandon skipped down the stairs, giving a few grunts (and Marla) the finger. He exited just as Sofie and Kyle were about to enter, and bumped them.

"You dumb idiot," Kyle punched him jokingly. "seriously, though. Think before you act. It's not that damn hard. Charlie saw you walk in and was worried sick," he told Brandon as they got on the air taxi.

"I took care of it for now," he grinned confidently. "I don't think Team Razor will cause us any problems, at least for a while."

When they got in to the hotel, Brandon's door was open, and written on the wall of his and Kyle's room in- blood?- were the words Feel our revenge. Lying on the floor of the room was the former champion of the Pokemon League, a guy named Riley.

"Jesus fucking Christ!" Charlie ran out of the room as Brandon dialed the police and an ambulance.

"Yep, he's dead," Sofie said nonchalantly, though her eyes yet again showed horror.

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