Chapter 5: Sofie

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Kyle looked to the side. Things were pretty awkward, considering how different they were. Sofie had about 6 inches in height over him, and seemed much bolder than Kyle.

"Uhh.." Kyle began, before being cut off by Sofie.

"Your friends," she started, "They seem to be decent people."

Kyle frowned. This girl had been rude to his friends since their journey started, and now she liked them? What a mess.

"What do you care? You steal Pokemon anyway," he snapped, startling both himself and Sofie. "Sorry," he began, frowning.

"Kid," she said softly, earning another frown from Kyle.

"I have a name," he argued.

"Kyle, whatever," she sighed. "You have no reason to believe me, but.. I've never stolen a Pokemon," she replied. "Team Razor never made me. I just do the hard work, like blocking you guys," she told him.

Kyle nodded. "Totodile?"

"Gift from the boss. I don't know how he got it, but Totodile has always liked being with me," she explained. "And I wouldn't steal a Pokemon, anyway," she said. "I do some bad things, but the bond of a trainer and their Pokemon is a special thing," she smiled.

Kyle nodded suspiciously. "Okay.." he forced a smile. "Then why are you with Team Razor?" he asked. "Sounds like you want nothing to do with their primary function. And if you ask me,"

"Which I didn't," she replied.

"That means you're not a great admin," He finished. Sofie frowned.

"You don't have to approve of my skills as an admin," she fumed. "I was trying to have a conversation," she told him, tossing a Pokeball out towards the first Battle House trainers, who had a Kakuna and a Koffing. Kyle recoiled, looking as though he had touched a stove-top burner.

"And I'm just trying to be helpful. But I was right. You're just an asshole." Kyle walked out of the Battle House, walking right past a stunned Brandon and Charlie.

"The hell you think happened there?" Brandon asked Charlie.

"Let me see. He insulted her, tried to have a serious conversation and got too personal, and/or insulted her again," she said to Brandon.

"You spend way too much time analyzing potential outcomes, Char."

"Okay, nerd."

"Me? Nerd? I'm an alpha male," he joked. "Ash Ketching the ladies," Brandon cringed at his own joke.

"Yeah, that was horrible," Charlie laughed. "And you call me unfunny," she smiled, walking towards the exit.

"Where are you going?" Brandon asked.

"To find Kyle, Einstein," Charlie rolled her eyes. "Maybe pay attention?" 

"I was!" he protested, groaning at his own distraction.

"Well, maybe stop staring at me and pay attention to what I'm actually doing," Charlie joked. Brandon sighed.

"I wasn't, but that doesn't matter," he began. "Kyle's pissed, so if I were to guess, he's in the Gym, or in Nuwork snitching on us for being here," he joked. "Probably the gym. At least, I hope."

Brandon followed Charlie to the gym, a large white and purple building with a picture of a badge on the front. From Brandon's knowledge, it was called the Spiritbadge, ironic due to the number of trainers who had given up after suffering a crushing defeat to Marla.

"I'll go in," Charlie quickly volunteered. "No need for you to go in if I can check myself, right?" She explained.

"Okay, sure?" Brandon raised an eyebrow. "Afraid I'll do something stupid?"

"No! I just think you could be of better use looking for Kyle.. elsewhere. You check the Pokemon Center?"

"Okay, weirdo," Brandon joked as he walked over to the Pokemon Center, entering. It had an interior resembling the inside of a hotel, and had a comforting feel. Brandon saw Kyle arranging his Pokeballs and smiled.

"Hey, Kyle! You get the badge from Marla yet?" He asked, getting a nod. "Cool. I think Charlie is about to beat her, or something. I don't know," he grinned. "She's weird."

Kyle nodded. "I asked Sofie stuff, she got pissed when I called her a crappy admin. Well, those weren't my words. It was more of me questioning her motives." Kyle explained the conversation.

"Interesting. Maybe we'll be able to use her to get more knowledge of Team Razor? She's clearly doing the gym challenge, but why? To earn respect from the Boss? She's already an Admin. That wouldn't make sense."

"That's what I thought. Maybe she's just trying to enjoy herself? I would have to do something to be able to endure working for Team Razor, too."

"Probably. Unless she wants to challenge the Elite 4."

"That's a possibility too. Even after that long of a conversation, she's still a mystery to us."

Charlie walked in to the Center.

"Oh, hi, Kyle! See, Bran? I knew you'd be of better use elsewhere."

Brandon rolled his eyes.

"Sure, whatever you say," he grinned. "I'm off to train to battle Marla. I think we've got a 1 on 1 exhibition battle together later, so I'll need to be pretty tough to beat her."

"Great.. Hope you win," Charlie replied.

"Later, nerds," Brandon joked.

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